Chapter 14

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Brielle POV

Its been a year since I had Darell and everything had been going really well. He has gotten so big and is already trying to walk. My baby is everything. Derek and I both have gone back to work. He took off the first 6 months and I took a full year. Yesterday was Darell's 1st birthday party.

 Yesterday was Darell's 1st birthday party

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My handsome little baby boy. He has gotten so big.

We are still staying here with my parents for now just because it's easier for us right now. Since we're both starting to work again and we have to leave on cases, it helps being here with my parents.

Derek's family has been contemplating moving to Houston. They haven't made a concrete decision yet but it looks like they will be coming here soon.

Jayshawn and Kayla are still a problem for us. They have been harassing us for the longest. I feel like Kayla thinks she still has a chance with Derek and I'm just like baby girl let it go. He don't want you. And Jayshawn is an obsessed ex. He be steady trying to hit me up and he's been blocked multiple times yet he still finds ways to contact me.

My mom just finished cooking dinner and we're all about to eat. I made Derek a plate and sat it in the microwave for him. He's working late tonight. These cases have been piling up and he's starting to take more of a leadership role.

I got Darell situated in his high chair and gave him a little bit of food. He's been trying to feed himself and I feel comfortable with him eating some things on his own but not a lot.

We all were situated and we sat down to eat.

Mom: How was everyone's day?

Makenna: Today was dance tryouts.

Dad: How did they go?

Makenna: I think it went okay. I have to wait until tomorrow to find out if I made it.

Me: Well if you need any help with choreo, I got you.

Andrew: You can dance Bri?

Me: Yes I can.

Darius: Since when? I need some proof of this.

Me: Bet, after dinner I'll show you a few of my old videos.

Darius: Bet.

We finished up dinner and then we all went back to the family room.

My old videos are on YouTube so I am going to pull them up on the big screen. I used to do these vids when I was in college. It was a way to release stress and it was really fun.

Darnell: Since when did you have dance videos on youtube?

Me: Since college. Now, let me see which one do I want to show y'all.

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