Chapter 8

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6 Months Later

Brielle POV

It's been 6 months and Derek and I are doing great. We moved in together last month and life has just been good. Aubrey is doing amazing. She settled in well with my parents and everything is going great for them in Houston. My birth mother checked herself out of the hospital a week after everything happened and she disappeared. We haven't seen or heard anything from her and that is honestly a good thing. We don't need her coming in messing up anything. Aubrey's adoption was finalized a month after the incident happened and she is officially Aubrey King.

Today is another day of work and I'm not feeling like moving at all. I was up half of the night throwing up and then I was hungry and wanted some fruit and Derek wouldn't go and get it for me. So I'm not really in the mood for anything today.

I got up and did my normal morning routine before I got dressed.

I threw my hair up into a bun and then waited on Derek to finish getting ready so we can head off to work

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I threw my hair up into a bun and then waited on Derek to finish getting ready so we can head off to work.

He just walked downstairs and I got off the couch and went to hug him.

Me: Good morning baby.

Derek: You're happy now?

Me: Somewhat.

Derek: Somewhat? Babe you were so pissed last night that you threw me out of the room at 3:30 in the morning.

Me: You should have went and got my fruit.

Derek: It was 3:30 in the morning.

Me: So. You still could have went and got it.

Derek: Do you still want it?

Me: Yes.

Derek: We can stop and get it on our way to work.

Me: Okay.

We left and went to the store. Derek went in and got my fruit and then came back out.

He pulled off and when we stopped at a red light, he turned to look at me.

Derek: Babe, look in the bag.

I opened it up and he had a pregnancy test in there.

Me: What is this for?

Derek: It's for you to take.

Me: I'm not taking that.

Derek: Why not?

Me: Because I'm not pregnant.

Derek: You don't know that. I looked up pregnancy symptoms this morning after you put me out and you are showing all the signs. Weird foot cravings, mood swings, and other things.

Me: What is other things?

Derek: Morning sickness. You haven't complained to me about stomach cramps from your cycle in over 3 months.

Me: I'm not pregnant and I'm not taking that test.

He pulled up to the building and I got out of the car.

I went in the building and up to our floor.

I go in my office and close the door. He just pissed me off giving me a pregnancy test. I am not pregnant. At least, I don't think I'm pregnant.
Derek POV

Brielle is pissed at me again. I know she's mad that I got her a pregnancy test. I've been trying to get her to take one for the last 2 weeks. She's just being difficult at this point. I don't know why she just won't take the test. I know she's pregnant. I think she knows too. She just doesn't want to accept it.

I walked into the conference room and everyone looked up at me.

Penelope: What did you do to Bri Derek?

Me: What are you talking about?

JJ: She came in looking pissed and went straight to her office.

Me: I'll go talk to her.

I walked out of the conference room and went down to Bri's office.

I went in and she was sitting on the couch in there looking at something on her phone.

Me: Bri.

She ignores me.

Me: Brielle.

She still ignored me so I walked over to her and sat down next to her.

Me: Babe, why are you so mad about the pregnancy test?

Bri: I don't know Derek. I just...

Me: What is it baby girl? You can tell me anything.

Bri: I'm too scared Derek. Say I am pregnant. I don't want to turn out like my birth mother.

Me: Babe, you are nothing like her. You are a good person and I know you'll be a great mother.

Bri: How are you so sure?

Me: Because I know you. You are an amazing woman and you will make an even more amazing mother to our child.

Bri: I'll take the test.

She pulled it out of the bag and went to the restroom connected to her office.

While she was in there, I went next door to my office to get the ring box that I have in my desk.

I went back in her room just as she was coming out of the bathroom.

I looked at her and she nodded her head yes.

I ran up to her and hugged her.

Me: I knew it.

I let her go and then I got down on one knee.

Bri: Derek--

Me: Brielle, you are the most amazing woman I know. You are intelligent, kind, and beautiful. You have made me become a better man and I love you so much. Will you marry me?

Bri: Yes!

I slid the ring on her finger and then stood up. She jumped into my arms and we kissed.

I put her back down and she wiped her tears.

Me: Should we actually go do some work now?

Brielle: Yeah. The team is probably looking for us.

We walked out of my office and back down to the conference room.

Penelope: Are you okay now Bri?

Bri: I'm better than okay. I'm engaged and I'm pregnant.

She showed them her ring and all the ladies went to rub her stomach.

Seeing Bri laughing and happy with them makes me happy.
Chapter 9 coming soon

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