Chapter 1

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Brielle POV

My name is Brielle King and I am 15 years old. I live with my mother and my abusive stepfather. My birth dad left me when I was only 5 years old. He just walked away and never looked back. In all honesty, I don't blame him for wanting to get away from my mom. She's horrible. She is always drunk or getting high. I just wish he would have taken me with him. I still have some faint memories of him but nothing really clear. I do have some resentment towards him because he just up and left me with her when he knows the kind of person she is. While I have some feelings against him, if I had the chance to go to live with him, I would.

It's another day and I have to go to school. Today is parent teacher conferences after school and I already know what's going to happen when my step father talks to my teacher. I'm not the best student. I was actually held back when I was in 7th grade so instead of being a freshman this year, I'm still in 8th grade.

I got up this morning and showered before I did the rest of my hygiene and got dressed.

I got up this morning and showered before I did the rest of my hygiene and got dressed

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I grabbed my jacket and backpack and then ran out to catch my bus.
This school day went by fast, actually a little bit too fast.

I went to sit out in our student center while I waited for him to get here.

He came walking in like 5 minutes after I sat down.

Step-Father: Come on so we can get to this meeting.

I got up and followed behind him.

We went upstairs to my class and he scheduling the first meeting with my teacher so we could he in and out.

They talk about my grades first.

They talk about my grades first

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Report Card^

After she showed him my grades, she talked about my behavior all through the quarter and she told him that I'm really aggressive towards everyone and my attitude is horrible.

We finished in the meeting and then left to go home.

I got in the car and my step dad got insight after me. Once he's in, he slaps the shit out of me.

Step-dad: Really Brielle? You're embarrassing us by showing your ass out here while you at school, not working, and being aggressive towards everybody. Just wait until we get home.

Me: I'm sorry.

I looked out the window crying. I can feel the side of my face beginning to swell and I know it's bruised.

He pulls up in front of the house. I grab my backpack and get out the car. He gets out behind her and walks up to unlock the door.

We go in and he slams the door behind us.

Step-dad: Go get the extension cord from my room.

I look at him with wide eyes.

Me: Please no. Please.

Step-dad: Go get the extension cord now Brielle!

His yelling scared me and even though he is yelling pretty much all the time and I should be used to it by now, it still scares me.

I ran back to his room and got the extension cord from the side of the bed.

I bring it back out and hand it to him. He doubles it over and then he just starts hitting me with it. He's hitting everywhere. My but, stomach, back, and sides. My arms and legs. He even got me in the face a few times.

I cried out, screaming as loud as I could but no one heard me. My mom is here and she didn't even come out to help me.

As he's still beating me, he's yelling at me.

Step-dad: You are an embarrassment to this family. How the hell do you have all F's on your report card? You're going to end up being 21 just barely graduating high school if they don't kick you out before then. You have a fucked up attitude and me and your mom are sick of it.

Me: Please stop! I get it I'm sorry!

Step-dad: I don't think you get it yet.

He kept swinging that cord for another 5 minutes I think. I actually lost count but I think it was another 5 minutes before he actually stopped.

Step-dad: Get your ass up and go to your room. Don't come back out until you have to leave for school in the morning.

I struggle to get back to my room because I can barely stand up. I am in excruciating pain right now. I finally make it back to my room and I ball up in the corner, crying.

After about an hour, my mom comes in my room

Mom: Brielle, are you ok?

Me: He beat me again.

Mom: You need to stop doing whatever you're doing to make him mad at you.

I just look at her and then I turn and put my head back down.

"You need to stop doing whatever you're doing to make him mad", is what she says every time he beats me.

Sometimes I just want to run away from here. I want to go far away. I want to find my dad, my real dad and live with him because I know he will treat me better than my mom and step-dad have.
Something new and different. I just started writing and the ideas came out. Let me know if y'all like it.

Chapter 2 coming soon

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