Dream starts his new job at The Altre Research Foundation. Things seem normal until something weird is discovered... What will happen when the truth comes out?
(Check out my other stories: Telling the truth
Fundy looked up, hearing footsteps come towards his dorm door.
He stood up and walked over to open it, seeing Dream about to knock with his hand up.
"How did you know I was here?"
Fundy pointed to his ears.
Dream remembered and nodded. He invited himself into Fundy's room and sat down.
"Please, come on in," Fundy said sarcastically, closing the door.
Dream tapped his fingers on his thigh and thought. Fundy suspiciously looked at Dream and sat down on his bed.
Dream looked at Fundy. "Fundy, I need you to help with something."
"Listen, do you trust this foundation?" Dream asked.
Fundy scoffed. "I never trusted it, but I never hated it."
Dream nodded, taking in the information. "Well aren't you a little bit suspicious of how little information they give us?"
Fundy shrugged. "I mean I'm getting paid to write logs. But it's annoying how little they help us if we need it."
Dream pointed a finger a Fundy. "See? That's what I mean. This is all so random. Don't you think we should explore more?"
Fundy frowned. "Are you saying that you want me to break into restricted areas with you?"
Dream's hope faltered. "No, not break in-"
"If that's the case, I'm in. I need a break from my boring routine." Fundy pulled out a lock picker and a pocket knife.
Dream smiled. "Then let's get to it."
"Here first." Dream stopped at the door and looked around the hallway, double-checking they were alone.
"You want to break into Schaltt's first?! He runs the facility!" Fundy whispered.
Dream pushed Fundy towards the door. "He's not here on Sundays! Just pick the lock and open it!"
Fundy sighed and bent down to stick the pick into the lock. He jiggled it for a few seconds and heard a click. Fundy smiled, opening the door and letting Dream pass, quickly closing it behind them.
Dream walked up to the desk and started searching through drawers. He pulled out the large stack of useless info starter packs and neatly organized them. Fundy looked around at the office and at Dream.
"Why are you organizing what you pull out of the drawers?" Fundy asked.
"Schlatt may be drunk half the time but do we want to risk our chances if he sees his desk is not the same as it was?" Dream continued to rummage through the drawers.
Fundy nodded in agreement. "That makes sense."
Dream stopped flipping through pages and landed on one. "Fundy, I found something."
Fundy walked over to Dream and the two looked at the paper.
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"2000? The Foundation is that old?" Fundy looked at the paper confusedly.
"It says Subject something was inadequate for...I don't know. It's all redacted." Dream held the paper up to the light.
Fundy snatched the paper from Dream and looked at the text. "Proven difficulty to behave and comply with...with what?"
"It says extraction. We don't do that while analyzing our subjects. Extract what?" Dream said.
"Well, it talks about the subject's DNA. And what is this?" Fundy held the paper closer to his face.
"It just says subject not and then the last thing is scribbled out," Fundy stated.
Dream sighed. He took the paper from Fundy and folded it, tucking it into his sweater pocket.
Fundy placed the laid-out items back into drawers and closed them. "Well, we should go we don't want to get caught."
Fundy went to the door and reached for the handle.
"Wait." Dream walked around the desk and ran his hand over the carved-in patterns. He stopped on a square. Dream looked up at Fundy. Fundy waited for Dream and watched him.
Dream looked back at the square. He slowly pressed it down, the button quickly springing back up. Dream looked around for any sort of movement.
"Well that was anti-climactic-"
Fundy was quickly cut off as a piece of the wall moved to show a secret room. Dream peered inside and slowly walked forward.
"Dream I wouldn't do that if I were you-"
"Judo and physical training, plus reflex sharpening, and I know how to use a gun," Dream replied quickly.
Fundy raised his eyebrows. So did Dream, surprised at the fact he remembered all of that.
Fundy scoffed and walked over to the hidden doorway. "Well ok then, go ahead."
Dream and Fundy crept down the small hallway and into a strange-looking room.
"It looks like my grandma's living room." Fundy laughed and looked at the outdated couches and furniture.
Dream eyed the decor. "Or a cover up."
Dream picked up a fake plant and looked into the pot. He held the glass object up to the light, reeling in digust at the purple-like liquid. "A vial."
Fundy's ears pricked up.
Fundy panicked and grabbed Dream by the arm, causing him to drop and shatter the vial. "SHIT SHIT SHIT!" Fundy pounded the square button carving on the desk and rushed out the office door, still dragging Dream behind him.
He dragged Dream down the hallway and shoved him into his dorm, slamming the door shut behind them.
Dream looked at Fundy slumping down to the ground, panting.
"Why did we leave there was no threat!" Dream said.
"If you consider "no threat" being Schlatt coming in and walking towards the office, then yeah, there was no threat," Fundy replied sarcastically.
Dream huffed and sat down onto the bed. "We should try the second floor lab-"
"No way. I am NEVER doing that with you again. Get out." Fundy opened his door and motioned for Dream to leave.
additional imagery for you, my loves
and thank you for 136 reads!
did uh, did anyone else watch tommy's stream today
I cried :'(
what do you think the vials are? and what is the altre foundation hiding?