Chapter One

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          My ears ringing, I am awoken with a burning sick sensation in the back of my throat. I roll over, coughing and sputtering as if I'd been held underwater. It takes me a few seconds to realize the motion sickness I was feeling wasn't just because of my pounding head and racing heart beat. I look around to see that I'm in some sort of cage. It was moving upward, and fast. Is this some kind of elevator? I tried to stand, my feet wobbling from under me. I tried to catch my breath as I move my aching body upward. Bang. I hit my head hard on the top of the cage. Feeling clostrophobic, I sit back down, rubbing my head.

(POV-2nd person)

          Suddenly, her head was flooded with thoughts. Where am I? Who am I? Why can't I remember? Who put me here? How do I get out? She leaned back against the wall, hitting her head as she looked up, frightened. It was the cage. It had stopped moving. She trembled in fear as she quickly hid behind one of the many wooden boxes she hadn't realized she was surrounded by. Each box was quite large and had small bolded words printed on the sides. WICKD It read. What does that mean? What is "WICKD?"

          She was soon pulled out of her trance by a blinding light that appeared on the ceiling of the small cage as the roof above her shifted into two, revealing a bright sky above her.

          She quickly re-hid behind one of the wooden boxes and stared out into the the bright sky. Then, she hears a voice.

          "Alby, where's the new Greenie?" says a boys voice covered with a thick British accent.

          She peaks her head out just bearly enough to expose an eye. She looked out of the no longer existing ceiling of the cage. To her surprise, she saw about twelve or thirteen teenage boys leaning over the sides of the cage, as if trying to look in. They all looked as confused as she did. One of the boys must have seen her do this because she hears another voice come from one of the many boys.

          "There-" he points to the box she is hiding behind. The same boy quickly jumps into the cage, making it rattle from under his feet. He takes a step forward, moving the box as he does. This boy had dark skin and looked to be around the age of 19. She scoots backwards until she hits the wall of the cage, making her wince. A confused look spreads across his face as he takes a step back. "It's a girl," he says his eyebrows lifting his entire face.

          Gasps filled the air as she sat there terrified. Then she hears voices coming from the boys above. "A girl?" "Are you sure???" "It can't be." She hears one boy say, "I call dibs!"

          She shutters as she quickly picked up her arms and stands up glaring at the boy on the opposite side of the cage as her. He's distracted for only a short moment before he reaches out for her hand. She pulls away and hastily lifts herself out of the cage. As she does, she knocks into another boy.

          "Woah, there Greenie, watch your step," he says grinning as she takes off running, trying to escape the boys. They yell out telling her to stop as she continues running. She then notices she is in a square blade of grass surrounded by tall stone walls covered in dark green ivy. She takes a look around, trying to scope out an exit point. Then, she spots it. There was a ten foot gap in the center of one of the walls. She doesn't hesitate and starts running full speed towards the exit. But not before briefly glancing back at the boys, who she could tell had started to run after her yelling something she couldn't hear because of the distance. Dang, they're slow, she thought, running fast towards the exit, sweat dripping down her forehead.

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