Rehab and Life

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Thanks for all the comments this chapter is dedicated to my friend who's aunt died from cancer. I'm praying for you all!!!! Love ya girl!

Harry's POV


After catching my mother upon everything that happened. We woke up Mel as soon as she saw our faces she paled. It took a while but we finally got all the information out of her. After hearing that my mother woke up Dan. A whole long discussion occurred. In the end we agreed Mel lives with Her mom and Dan lives with us.

Maggie's POV


I woke up to find i was changed last night. uh oh! Harry probably saw. WHat if he hates me. or what if he inks i deserved this. Wait stop what are you thinking maggie. Harry lives you. But at doesn't mean I'm gonna talk or dance. I know he is gonna wanna help me but getting me a therapist and sending me to dance class. But I refuse I won't touch my dance shoes and I won't talk. And if I ever decide to talk or dance again harry will be the first i do it to.

Wait the i go again always getting ahead of myself I act as if I can predict the future!!! What's wrong with me!? I step out of bed just in time to see Mel leaving the house with all her items packed up and being out into the cab. Dan looked at me and his eyes said everything... I'm really sorry I didn't know it was happening..... I just nodded my head and walked away. I could hear them whispering about me I tried not to mind much though.

Harry walked in and tried talking to me but I didn't respond. My mom told me a therapist was going to come and talk to me today. I just nodded my head. I already knew I wasn't gonna talk. I would simply listen to what she had to say. I could talk and dance whenever I wanted to. But that's the thing. Ever since I stopped talking and dancing I felt like I should talk and cancel but a part of me said its not the time now. Part of me said wait. So I did I waited and I will wait until I feel in myself it is time.


The therapist came and she told me I shouldn't be afraid to speak. She said i should express myself dancing but that she won't push me. I felt like they were all talking down to me. Well everyone but harry. You could see the fear in their eyes like if they touched me then I would break. But I'm fine honestly. Except for a part of me yearns to do a leap and a triple turn and land in a clean fifth. Yes part of me wanted to but a part if me said not yet.

A/N sorry its short ill update soon 5 votes and 5 comments please. Again thanks for all the love and sorry for the delay. Please pray or do whatever you can to help my friend in her time of need. I hope that her whole family will feel better. And I'm sure her aunt is looking down in her proud of all that she has accomplished.

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