His turn

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Maggie's POV


I crawled back into bed silently. I never really thought about how much he hurt. While I was feeling bad for myself, he was suffering as well. My depression has affected him. Even though I am trying to hold on to life; trying to keep myself from taking my life, He might be in even more pain then I am. He has to watch as his little sister is suffering and has to worry about keeping her safe. It's a hard job but he does it, and he never complains. He never complains about anything while I go through my life in silence. I'm sorry for everything I put him through. When I wouldn't talk at all, when I would call him late at night or have a panic attack, even now. I'm sorry I have put him through everything. But he's a popster I should make it up to him. Correction, I will make it up to him.

My thoughts were interrupted by a low grunt and Harry's arm pulling me closer to him. I cuddled into him not wanting to ruin the moment. I kissed him in the cheek and he woke up. "What's up princess?" He asked

"I have an idea but you have to get dressed first."I said he nodded his head and got up. Then I went to my room and got dressed in grey sweat pants a blue beanie and a white t-shirt. I walked out my room and down the stairs I grabbed my phone off the charger and texted my mum and Gemma. We always text each other since we can't be together all the time.

Harry came down the steps in almost the exact same outfit as me we took own look at each other and laughed. I think that was the first real time I have laughed In a while. "Ready to go?" I ask he nods his head and we walk outside we walked and talked for what felt like a half an hour but really it was an hour. When we got there his face lit up. "Welcome to our second date for the week!" His smile grew even bigger when he realized that I had planned us a date. We got on this huge cruise ship with like 1000 other people. This ship was a 2 hour boat ride to the island where you spend an hour doing what you want before heading back. I wore my bikini underneath and harry swims in his underwear anyway so were all good. When the boat started moving we sat in silence before I broke the silence. "I'm sorry for my behavior lately." It took him a minute to soak it in. He picked me and placed me on his lap. He smiled down at me and brushed some hair out of his face.

"You Had every right to act the way you did. You are ten and you have had more things thrown at you in the last ten years then I have In 18 years." I cuddled into him more. He really was the best big brother anyone could ask for.

After about 5 minutes of silence he woke again. "So I was thinking, would you like to go on tour with me and the guys. You wouldn't make it every week to dance but if miss Abby allows you, when you are available one of us can get you there." I nodded my head not even giving it a second thought. I know I would not be able to survive without him while he is on tour. He smiled knowing he wouldn't have to leave me. "If you want you can bring two friends to our first concert. Lucy said she would be with you guys." I thought about it for a minute. "Chloe and Brooke, but what about Paige?"

"You can bring her too." He said "heck why don't we just invite Christi, Kelley, Chloe Brooke, and Paige. They always give you rides to dance, it will be a nice thank you for helping us out." I nodded so excited now. "Will Lucy be on tour the whole time with us?" I asked. He nodded his head and my smile grew bigger. I yawned due to my lack of sleep last night. "Go to sleep ill wake you up when we get there." I started to protest because I planned the date but he gave me the look so I agreed and drifted into a mindless sleep.

Harry's POV


It was so nice of her to plan this date for us. I really do miss spending time with her. She's growing up so fast. I'm worried about her but today she seems like she is getting better. She is definitely not as depressed or at least she's not showing it. I brush a piece of her hair away from her face and rub her back as she sleeps. She is so adorable. When we get to our destination I wake her up gently and she seems more awake then before. We get off the boat with her still in my arms. I place her down on the sand and hold her hand as we start exploring. We decided to look for sea shells first. She i let go of her hand as we walk up and down the beach. Every time she spots a seashell she squeals and runs up to me showing it and explaining why it's so pretty. As much as that interest me I focus more on her she is more grown up by the day, yet she is still my baby sister.

After that we pick a spot and grab three towels that she happened to bring in a bag along with sunscreen, and underwear for her and me.

We keep two of the towels in the bag to keep them from getting sandy. We lay the third down and spread out our seashells. We are very far away from everyone so Maggie isn't too scared about people taking her shells like she normally is. After that I put sunscreen on her and myself and have her d my back.

"Race ya to the water." She says and she takes off running I race after her and scoop her in my arms she squeals as I run faster then I prepare to launch her into the water. Instead of that I fall backwards taking her with me. When we come up, I take seaweed and place it on her head. She gives e a frown and I just laugh. She takes it from her head and stuffs it down my pants. I scream like a girl and she laughs so hard.

After about an hour playing in the water we both get out and walk over to our towels. We dry off, and bring the bag into the woods. Maggie undresses and I take her wet bikini and put it in the bag. She puts her underwear on and her cloths overtop. Then she heads out of the woods to look at her seashells I get behind a tree where I can see her but she can't see me. I undress and put my new boxers on I place my old pair in the bag and put the rest of my cloths on. I head back out to Maggie, and together we head t the boat. We make it just in time and she falls asleep the rest of the way back.

When the boat stops Maggie wakes up I hold the bag in one hand and carry her in the other. Even though she is awake I still carry her all the way back. When we get back its late so I put her down. She heads to our room to get changed and when she gets out I do the same. We lay n the couch cuddled in each others arms with disne channel playing in the background. i hear the door click open and a guy and girls voice speaking. that's all I remember before I fall int a deep sleep.

A/N who do you think it is??? 25 comments and votes before the next update. Do you like it!!!????

Message me about what you want more of ... Brother and sister Lucy and harry, dance, Louis and Maggie, Maggie and Lucy or all four? It could even be with Gemma her mom or even her dad let e know by message!!!! Thanks

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