You again why!???!!!???

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Harry's POV


I decided to take Maggie out just the two of us. Lucy had a dance class and Louis was going to watch. We went to this new restaurant. The last name sounds familiar. But I don't know where I have heard t before. Maggie ordered a Cesar salad and I ordered spaghetti and meatball special.

After eating Maggie's eyes glazed over. I noticed she was about to pass out I called 911. I checked her salad.... GARLIC was in that salad she's highly allergic to garlic... I grabbed the shabby sticky thingy and stabbed her thigh she didn't scream but maybe that's because her throat was clearing up. I asked the manager who made the food he pointed to the back where Mel gave me a smirk... I glared at her. When the ambulance got here I got in the back with Maggie. When we got to the hospital they did all this stuff to her and then let her out saying she was fine.

When we got home I carried Maggie in the house Louis and Lucy still weren't home. Maggie said her stomach hurt. She's only 9 but the doctor made me suspicious when he said she might wanna talk to a girl at home. She went in the bathroom... I heard her call Lucy and tell her about her problem. I silently chuckled about 5 minutes later maggie came out and sat on the couch with me. i smirked and she blushed. "relax I've seen the video. nothing to be ashamed of ive dressed. You before this detail isn't the end of the world." that just made her blush more. i picked her up and held her tight to me " I'm sorry about everything that keeps happening to you. you shouldn't have to go through anything like that. you should be happy."

"i am happy just to have you Gemma mum Lucy louis the boys and dan." she replied

"your amazing you know that?" i said

she blushed just then Lucy and Louis walked in. Maggie hopped of the couch and ran over to Lucy they walked in the bathroom while Louis and I chuckled. We just sat and watched spongebob for about an hour. Then I realized it had been a while we got up and knocked on the door to the bedroom we are all currently sharing. We walked in and saw the girls painting nails... We started mocking them so they got mad. To make it up to them we let them paint our nails mine were a pretty green color and Louis were red with white stripes after they were dry we all climbed into bed and said our goodnights. Louis was on the outside then me then Maggie then Lucy.

I can honestly say I was gonna sleep like a baby or so I thought.....

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