Meeting selena

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Maggie wake up. An all to familiar voice shakes me awake... " ugg five more minutes." this has become a ruitin where I try to sleep later to avoid school. It's not the I'm neccarily bullied I just have some secrets that I like to keep a secret and school makes that hard.


At school-

"hey why do you have those ugly point shoes in your locker?"

"Their not ugly please just leave me alone Sarah." Sarah is someone who steals your best friends. Natalie and me used to be great friends. But when Natalie and Sarah became close I was shoved out of the picture. I enjoy being alone more though. Sarah and Natalie are both great singers and I've been told I suck. Which doesnt bother me I have dance. What bothers me is according to people in our school dance is easy and anyone can do it but I know for a fact that dance is not close to easy and not one person could ever be perfect ever!

1 hour later------

Harry's POV

I got a call from Lucy. It's been I while since I've talked to her I miss her voice and the way the hair frames her face. Snap out of it Harry you have Selena a wonderful person and beautiful girl.

" Harry?" Selena says that snapped me back to reality. " is everything all right?" "well my friend Lucy called and she got a call from Maggie's school. Maggie was in a fight and I need to get down there now."

------------------- at school still Harry's pov---------------

When I got down to her schooling walked straight to the office I saw three girls sitting there Maggie, a girl with short brown hair and brown eyes she was tall and skinny, then a girl with reddish hair she had small waves in it and brown eyes she was pretty short and skinny. That's when it hit me the red head was Natalie Maggie's old friend. I heard the weren't getting along very well. Maggie had a straight face I couldn't read it at all. The other two girls had worried faces. I took a seat next to the girls parents and listened to the long speech the principal gave.

"I have called you all here today to discuss some issues that have occurred within the last two months. It has come to my attention that Natalie and Sarah have been harassing Maggie. This kind of behavior is not aloud in my school and I will not condone it." then I asked the question I regret asking. "what have they been doing?" she replied with a look on your face. " they have been making fun of her telling her she is a bad singer. They told her that the pointe shoes in her locker were stupid and that they obviously were not hers." I then looked at Maggie and I asked to questions that made her cry? " you sing?" she replied "sorta but I'm not good." then I asked "why the pointe shoes and who's are they." she replied with a shaky breath " their Lucy's she gave them to me and said whenever you see pointe shoes your not far from home and home is a safe place where you can dance and be free. So I wanted pointe shoes here to remind me I'm not far from home and soon I can dance and be free." the principal looked at me and said " you also should consider getting Maggie a reading tutor. One reason the girls made fun of her was for her dyslexia. This is not someone to be ashamed of but I'm concerned about her grades." I looked at her she stood up shaking " don't stare at me I'm bit a freak. " I said its not that big of a deal and her reply breaks my heart. " I wake up every morning terrified that I might have to read out loud. It effects my dancing and letters get jumbled in my head. I get made fun of everyday and the. I go home to an empty house. When I go to dance I'm the baby the odd one out because of how young I am. And the worst part of all of this s growing up without you or Gemma near me." with that she runs home leaving me shocked and broken hearted.


Hey guys so tell me the truth is my story crap or what makes it better. I was thinking of putting drama between harry and Maggie maybe add some louis and the boys in later and put Selena and Maggie's drama in. Also what do you think of Harry? Should he be with lucy or Selena?

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