Tour, goodbyes, HELL

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A/N not exactly 5 comments but it was close enough. Please keep commenting and voting though because I really wanna know that people like what I'm writing.

Maggie's POV


saying goodbye to harry this time was harder then usual. this time was going to feel like ages. Mel obviously doesn't like me, Gemma will be at college and mum will be with her boyfriend all the time. Mel will probably just ignore me. ill be lonely again with no one but Lucy to talk to. where i only focus on my dance. i guess thats not too bad. The only downer is it will get lonely. But at least I'm safe. and ill be even better at dance then i was before. Harry will be so proud of me.

I gave Harry the biggest bear hug i could. He whispered in my ear that he wants me to Skype everyday. I knew he meant seriously because he hates when he's left out of my life. But honestly his life is so exciting. mines just everyday average life. maybe something knew will happen so i can finally be cool. I can finally have a real life not some life i like to pretend is going anywhere.

Harry POV


when i left the house i felt sick. I'm gonna miss them so much. I hate being away from my family for too long. Ive always been a mammas boy. thats just how i am. I am currently sitting on the bus on Skype with Maggie. I know i only left like 2 hours ago but i really miss her. Liam was making dinner. Louis was playing with Kevin i think he's on another sugar high. witch is good for the fans because Nial is doing a Twitcam and Louis will probably crash it. Zayn is watching paranormal activity 3 and well i already told you what I'm doing. i was having fun chatting with my sister but she was called for dinner. i stopped her before she left though. i needed to see her dance once more so she did a beautiful turn before saying i love you.

Maggie POV


my mom and Her boyfriend were out again for dinner. for the past week they have had date nights. so Mel decided to use that time to torture me.she would burn me, cut me, and all that fun stuff. (note the sarcasm). I haven't been on Skype with harry because he can easily tell when I'm hiding something. and Mel said if i tell anyone she will Hurt me so bad and find a way to turn everyone against me. i know your probably thinking wow just tell someone she is not hat scary. But I'm terrified of her. my last torture was when i was at my breaking pointe. i stopped talking. i stopped dancing. for about a week i haven't touched a single dance shoe. and haven't made a single sound come out of my mouth. i still eat I'm not trying to kill myself but it seems like because i stopped talking and dancing Mel hasn't hurt me at all. "maggie...." spoke too soon. Crap!!! i ran into her room not wanting to keep her waiting. she was curling her hair this cant be good. she grabbed me over to her and lifted my shirt.she burned me in the shape of an m on my back.then she pulled my shirt down and said "show anyone this and i WILL KILL YOU!!!!" ok things just got allot more intense! i don't wanna die! i just nodded tears running down my cheeks. she had an evil smirk on her face. and said "get out and stop crying Bitch"i ran out of there wiping my tears. i ran all the way to my room i checked my Skype 100 missed calls from Harry...ugh oh.....mum probably told himi wasn't talking or dancing he probably thinks its his fault.

then my door opened revealing my mum. i looked in my mirror. good you cant tell i was crying she sat on the edge of my bed. she looked at my laptop and saw my worried look. "don't worry harry doesn't know your not talking. and he doesn't know about dance either. i don't know whats bothering you but i want you to know that you can tell me." no i cant i cant tell her it will ruin her happiness she really loves this guy. i like dan too. its Mel I'm not so thrilled with.

----------------------------2 months later------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Harrys POV


Maggie hasn't returned any of my calls. shes probably just been busy with dance and schools she did tell me she was gonna try extra hard to be the best at them. but i cant help but feel theres something else she would at least text or snap chat me. does she not like me? is she happier with Mel? o well i guess ill find out. i say to myself as the tour bus pulls up to the driveway. its gonna be a long break i can feel it. i walk in the house and set my bags down i walk into Maggie's room to find her staring blankly at the ceiling. when i tried talking to her there was no reply just a single tear that slipped down her cheek. i looked at her desk. there was a folder of papers I picked it up. i couldn't believe what i saw. she had 10 tests all marked F! i thought she said she would try harder to do BETTER!!!!?????!!!!! i spoke to her again still no answer. o asked her where her dance shoes were she pointed to a corner in her room. there lay all her shoes. i didn't see anything wrong. she might just be upset about the tests so i left. she did have dyslexia. maybe thats why she was not doing so well.when i got to my moms room i knocked waiting for a reply. when i walked in she looked stressed. but she doesn't work. so I'm very confused of wats stressing her..... "Harrys sit down." she says and i do. "Maggie has not been well lately. i don't know why. she wont talk she wont dance and she doesn't try in school. I'm worried. please help her please"the last part came out as a whisper i just nodded my head slowly. she wont dance??? something's up and ill figure it out! i know i will.... i hope i will.

A/N hey guys please vote and comment. 5 of each please also any ideas sorry this is crappy! Love you!!!!

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