Home for the holidays

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Hey guys thanks for some suggestions I will try and do my best to fit them in their really good. Sorry for a late update but I just got home from dance around 10:30 busy night anyways here's the story.

Maggie POV


It was thanksgiving week now and I miss harry like crazy I finally get a chance to do my solo this weekend I'm the only solo then there is a group number. Harry said he would come and watch.

As I'm putting my makeup on in the dressing room I notice something different for the first time in a long time I don't feel depressed I feel happy and relieved I feel different. It's hard to explain but I feel like I have finally healed.

I go backstage and get ready to perform isn't she lovely. The announcer calls my name and I slowly walk onto the stage. E music starts playing and I drift into my own world. I start to think of all the times harry has helped me bake cookies. The times when he played tag and helped me build a fort. And the one time when I ran out to an open field and stood on his toes as he waltzed me around. This song brought a smile and tears to my cheeks knowing that harry and I had a relationship very few brother and sisters have.

I walk of the stage and head towards the double doors when I run into someone I look up to find harry with tears in his eyes and the biggest smile known to man. He grabbed me and practically strangled me he hugged me so tight. He kept saying how proud he was and brave I really was.

When it was time for awards they called all the names out so fa I didn't win any. It was down to the top five




2- Britney

1- jess"

The announcer called their names and places one by one and I almost burst when my name wasn't called I was sure I was gonna place that was the best performance I have ever done!

" we decided to do something different this time. There was one solo that words could not describe how beautiful it really was. It was perfect no errors and full out emotion. I have never seen anything like it in my 20 years of competition. Would Maggie from Abby lee dance company please make her way over here to receive a trophy,a ribbon, a certificate, a crown, and a cash prize for the most amazing Dane I have ever seen"

I saw harry sitting in the front with the biggest smile on his face he was so proud or at least I thought he was.

Wait I know that smile I say to myself that's the smile that he always gets when he is dating a girl that he recently broke up with. Don't get me wrong I like Selena but I don't think their meant for each other. At all.

I accept everything and walk offstage Abby gives me the biggest bone crushing hug ever! And I jus for that moment felt so proud.

Harry and I get in his car and drive home because tonight is thanksgiving and it will be me Louis, miss tomilson, Lucy, miss hale, harry, Gemma, and my mom just having a great time at the table along turkey that will probably be over cooked because my mom is a bad cook!

When we get home and were all seated the doorbell rings harry gets up to answer it so I get up to wash my hands. When I return Selena is in my seat. The only open seat is on the complete opposite side of harry. If your inking who cares about a stupid seat the the answer is I don't care about the seat I just always sit next to harry and I always anted him and Lucy to be together but that obviously won't happen now.

After we eat harry says he needs to make an announcement so he does he says, Selena and I are back together. Every congratulates him I head up to my room. Ill talk to him later. Selena must have followed me up because she says "listen bitch. Know your Harry's little princess but that changes now he's mine understood? If you even try to get him to date Lucy I will break both your legs so badly your dancing career will be over. Don't spend too much time with harry or you will be so scared of me you won't sleep at all understood?"

I weakly nodded my head and she left. Boy was I right she was not the girl for him.

---------About a month later-------

It's Christmas morning I leap out of bed today is a family day just the 4 of us. Harry as not aloud to bring Selena. I run into gem as room and wake her up first. Then I jump on my moms bed and lastly Harry's. since he's been spending time with Selena he doesn't sleep in the same bed as me anymore.

We run down and I open my first present from my mom. It's a pair of bright red point shoes! Their beautiful I tell her. Then I open one from Gemma. It's 3 outfits. Their gorgeous. Next Harry's. it's one of those slide show picture things and its filled with pictures of me and Harry's.

Then I gave them all my presents and lastly opened santa's present. It was the best thing in the world. Santa had given me what. Have always wanted. He gave me a ton of cookies treats and presents. Now don't think wow she's selfish no! I asked santa's to get me cookies and presents witch I would then deliver with the help of one direction t the orphanage down the street.

Just the the phone rang mom got up and answered it I heard a loud thud harry and I ran to see what happened there stood my on the floor crying Gemma with tear stained cheeks I took the phone and put it on speaker. It was my dad.

"Hi guys I know I probably don't wanna talk to me but I needed to say I love you all and miss you will you please accept my apology and love me again we can be a family."

I screamed so loud I might have broken glass "we will never be a family you broke me you hurt me and you told me something a girl should never hear. I won't take oh back! Ever!" I ran up to my room I started shaking violently as memories flooded back to me.

______flashback _______

I woke up to the sound of my moms pleads and screams I shook harry awake and we walked out together to see Gemma begging dad. Mom was on the floor shaking I saw dad packing a suitcase. It didn't look like he was leaving for a night. Everything of his was caked in about 3 bags he was leaving for good. I said daddy I thought you loved me and he replied in a cold hard tone "don't follow me I don't wanna be with you an f yo leave me alone." He started packing up and walking out. He wasn't drunk. He was completely sober. Harry tried to beg him to stay and all he said were "you kids ruined our marriage we didn't want kids you were all a mistake." Then he took off in a cab. Gemma violently shook she couldn't keep it under control. Mom was in a daze I thought she was dead. Harry couldn't even keep under control. But me I was the worse I ran upstairs took things from my room and threw them around. When harry walked in There was glass shared everywhere pictures ripped in half graffiti on the wall holes in the wall CDs broken and destroyed. I was laying on the floor with glass sticking out f my leg I had passed out and that was all I remember of that night.

--------end of flashback----------

I was violently shaking tears streaming down my face. How could he say those things the ask to be a family again didn't e realize that because of him I never take risks because of him I try my hardest to forget everything from my past I don't know how to e anyone else in because if him I'm ashamed of my life because its empty because of him I'm afraid.

And I couldn't hold it in any longer I tore apart my room and the last thing I remember is laying in a pool of blood and seeing a blurry figure before blacking out. .

MERRY CHRISTMAS ..... Yea right!


Hope you guys enjoy it I tried to include as much as possible I put Maggie getting hurt thanks to @wateriswet

And Selena being mean to Maggie thanks to @live_love_harry

Thanks for your help please comment and tell me what you think I want you guys to like the story and the only way I know that is if you tell me what you like best.

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