Little devil

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Maggie P.O.V


Harry and Lucy got back. I decided to hide out in my room.

When Harry came up It pained me but I had to say it. I didn't want my dad in my life. "get out of my life I dont want you in it. I don't love you and I never will." my voice cracked at the end of it and I'm glad it did I know he knows me too well he will suspect something. He will save me.

Harry's P.O.V


I left her room on the edge of Tears. I thought we had a special relationship. Something about this isn't right. Her voice cracked at the end that means she is lying.

As I was swap in thought I stepped down the steps. To hearing the most horrific thing ever.

"listen hear bitch he's mine he will never ever be yours. I told the little tiny bitch and now I'm telling you. Both of you stay away from him or I will contact your dads personally an watch as your life crumbles apart I will cuts every bone in your body and laugh as you suffer."

The first thing that went through my head was man this girl is a phyco and needs special attention then all the prices clicked Selena told Maggie to say that.

I grabbed my cell phone and called the police I told them everything then walked into the room and broke up with Selena. He kept saying you will regret this and to be honest it scared the crap out of me then the police showed up and took her away. I ran up to Maggie and saw she saw everything. She ran into my arms and the three of us cried together for what felt like an hour until the door opend.

"I'm home!" Gemma screamed. All o us jumped up and ran into her arms she looked a bit shocked to see that we were all crying. When Maggie told her everything Gemma said "don't worry I'm sure Harry wont let anyone hurt you." and I knew at that moment I had Maggie, lucy, gemma, my mom, and Lucy's mom counting on me. And I would not let the down.



I have to be honest when I walks into that scene it scared me a little. But now that we're all quietly sitting and watching a movie I feel better having my friend and family all sitting with me. As I watch each of us girls cuddle into Harry it makes me review the relationship we all have.

Louis may not be here but him and Harry are honestly the most amazing men here to keep us all safe.

To me Louis is the older brother I've always wanted and Harry is my younger brother who gets on my nerves but doesn't let anyone hurt me. Maggie is my talented little sister and Lucy is my sister too!

To Lucy Louis is a great older brother and she acts like Harry's a brother but honestly it's more I think she's gonna be my sister In law. Ou can tell Lucy feels protective over Maggie like she's her little girl.

To Harry I think lucy is like his love! And I'm his big sister that he's really close to. Louis is hi best mate but also his brother. But Maggie she is more than any of that combined the two of them mean the world to each other.

The difference Is with Maggie she looks up to all of us. But Harry is the one she trusts and loves the most.

We all need each other love each other. Seeing them tonight makes me wish I didn't miss all the times in ther life. I dont get to see them allot and it does hurt I always miss them and maybe If I was here more I would be just a close with them all.

When I snapped out of my thoughts I noticed that everyone but Harry was watching the movie. Harry must e on twitter but the difference is he had a scowl on his face and looked like he was gonna cry. He got up from the couch kissed Maggie and Lucy on the head and said I'll be back soon.

That was the last I saw him.

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