CH- 1 The Fire

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*Izuku's POV- AGE 5*

I was so happy. I found out that I had a powerful quirk that manifested the other day. It took a while for it to manifest itself, almost a year in fact. My favorite part was that it was a fire quirk. Now I could be a hero like my idol, Endeavor. (He is not an ass to his family in this story). I was excited and went on long ramblings about how I will be the next number 1 hero. My quirk was Fire Force. It gave me three powers, the ability to produce fire and smoke, not get hurt by fire and smoke, and the ability to control fire and smoke. The doctor said it was an SSS+ rated quirk. I was ecstatic at that remark. I could not wait to go to hero school. Today I was getting home from school. I was allowed to walk home since I lived close by. As I opened the door, I smelled a distinct smell of smoke. I panicked and ran inside.

"Mom? MOM!" I shout as I open her bedroom door.

Inside is an inferno. Sprint inside to look for her. By now the flames have spread to the rest of the house and I could hear sirens. I tried to get out but planks of wood fell in my path. Inside the fire tornado I saw a devil. It had bright orange eyes and two red horns. The rest of its body was red and it stared at me. I shriek as I back away from it. It sees me cower and leaps out the window before vanishing. I was soon rescued by heroes from the fire.

I was currently standing among the ashes of the house. I had on a smile I could not wipe away. It exposed my unusually sharp teeth. I wanted to stop smiling and cry but I just could not. It was like my face froze after tensing up. Small wisps of fire occasionally came off of some exposed skin. I stood in shock, listening to the people around me.

"Did you see his face?"

"I know, he looks like a devil."

"Devil child."

"He is happy that it happened. He probably caused it"

Those were just some of the things that were said behind my back. I was soon approached by the pro hero Endeavor, my idol.

"You bastard. How could you do this to your own mother?" He said condescending me.

I could see the other heroes' expressions. They were all the same. They all looked at me with disgust. I felt like I wanted to curl into a ball and cry but I just could not. After that all happened I ran. I ran and did not look back. Tears started to stream down my face as I ran away. Nobody tried to stop me as I continued to run. I made it to the abandoned warehouse district and I picked a warehouse to call home. It was not as broken as some others and was mostly intact. It was almost all metal so it would not as easily burn down. I found a mattress and dragged it inside.

'I don't want to be a hero anymore. I don't want to be a villain anymore either. There is one third path though, a vigilante.'

I decided I would become a vigilante. For years, I honed in on my skills. I ate at soup kitchens until I was old enough to get a job at the age of 10. I picked up scraps and started to tinker. I made some gadgets in the warehouse. I fixed the warehouse and made it my base. No-one came by so it was safe. I designed my costume to fight in. I also got black hair dye to change my hair color. I am currently 14 and I am ready to make my debiew. I smirk as I put on my costume and walk outside. I had a few tricks up my sleeve that no-one has ever seen before. I was going to shake the world. I put a special cigarette into the side of my mouth, but kept it unlighted. I put my hands in my pockets and strolled into the city. It was currently night time so,

'Let the vigilant work... begin!'

Words- 723

Sorry for the short chapter. I wanted to experiment with this story and start it early. I hope you liked this chapter. I will plan to update again within the next week. See you then.

-Author out!

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