Chapter 1

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After hesitating a lot of times I decided to finally press the doorbell at the front of this huge house. It was the address that was written in the marriage contract so I decided to go and try to see him. My thoughts are soon interrupted as I heard steps getting near me but I didn't put too much attention on it until someone spoke with a deep voice.

"What do you need?"

"Miss?" He added

As I look up I saw a tall mascular man and also handsome if you say. He's a man with pointed nose and has a sharp jaw, his tall height made him outstanding among the two of us. Of course because he's tall and I'm not. So this might be him.

"Are you Kim Taehyung?"

I asked and he just furrowed he's eyebrows in confusion that is visible in him. Is he wondering on how come I know his name or because it's absolutely not him.

"Come inside."


"It's cold out here."

I just nodded and quietly followed his steps. We entered the house and now a modern interior welcomed me. He pointed the couch at me and I took it as a sign for me to sit down so I did.

"So, are you Kim Taehyung?" I asked him immediately so I can be done on this.

"I'm Park Chanyeol."

He stated the made me have a deep sigh. But not because of relief but in worry I'm going to have a hard time on searching for him since there might be a thousand of people at my age who was named Taehyung.

"Is he you're boyfriend?"

He asked me suddenly which I replied immediately with a big "no" and he just chuckled at my reaction.

"Then why are you searching for him?"

Chanyeol asked as he rest his head on his palms looking curiously at me. So I rested my back at the couch not wanting any close contact with him.

"Firstly I don't know him. Second some personal matters for me to deal with not yours."

I replied to him which made him fall his head on he's palms. Was I that rude?

"You don't know him then why are here eagerlt searching for him? Andddddddd I'll put my self in your matter since you're here."

"Let me help you" he added.

"Are you the second one who lived here?"

"No, I think I was the 4th and I just move here a few days ago." he replied as he crossed her arms and relax his back at the couch.

"As I told earlier I'm Chanyeol. You haven't introduce your self to me. I don't want any stranger at my home."

He said so I just replied to him for this to be done already.

"Jennie kim" I replied shortly



"How about that Kim Taehyung?"

"Same as me. He's 17 days older."

"Ok then try searching for him in Universities around seoul. For sure his just out there. Don't worry I'll help you."

He said so I gave him a small smile and nodded at his statement.

"Hope we'll meet again. If you need anything you know my address."

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