Chapter 9

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The afternoon classes was cancelled because of a sudden meeting that was hold on the conference room that's why we're gathered on the cafè where we ate last time. Lisa was absent and didn't even told us why.

"Jennie I see, you're getting better." The sunshine J-hope said so I nodded at him before replying." Yup. Just a cast and I can walk now without my crutches." I said while raising my feet a little.

"So we can go to the club on Friday?" Jimin asked so I nodded that made them squeal.
"Ohh it's our first time going to the club with Jennie." Rosè said while clinging into me.

"Don't be a party pooper Jennie." Jisoo said so I thumbs up at her before sipping the milk I have. "Let's just have fun on Friday night." Jin said so we all agreed.

"Jennie you're here again." I looked up at the voice and saw Irene. Shit. I'm doomed, well we're. "Jennie you know her?" Namjoon asked and for sure they know that she is Taehyung's ex. I just hoped that she won't tell that I said I'm Taehyung's gi--

"I met her yesterday she had a date with Taehyung here." Irene suddenly said that made me widen my eyes and looked at them. Rosè spilled her drink as Irene said those words. "Sorry, you guys don't know?"

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to spill the tea to you're friends." Irene said so I shook my head and said No. "It's fine they know. Right Jisoo?"

"Yeah.. I even came home with the two of them." Jisoo said. "Oh.. sorry I might be disturbing you I'll go a head now, Jennie and Taehyung-ssi." She said before going out of the cafè.

"What the actual f*ck is that?!" Namjoon exclaimed as he saw Irene walk out of the cafè. "Well you see I think she come's often here and Tae told me everything." I said.

"You two-you dated here yesterday?" Jin asked and crossed his arms in his chest. "No. But the thing is Nini introduced herself as my girlfriend so she thinks we're dating." Taehyung said so I kicked his foot under the table.

"You---What!?" Jisoo asked almost banging the table. "You see Tae seems to be uneasy so I helped him. And a girl like me? She thought I'm the tutor of this punk!." I replied.

"Let's just say that she looks like she has a feelings left for Tae and I cut it out." I added again.

"Yeah.. whatever." Jisoo said and fixed he sitting position.

"Jennie?" A voice called me for the second time but instead of Irene it was Mrs. Jeon this time. "Oh... Hi Mrs. Jeon." The boys greeted her and bowed at her.

"You know Jennie Mrs. Kim?" Namjoon asked so Mrs. Jeon nodded.

"You're grown up now. The last time I saw was at your mom." She said as she open her arms welcoming me for a hug which I gladly accepted. "You still look young Mrs. Jeon." I said as I let go of the hug.

"Aishhh. Jennie you kid. Did you and Jungkook already met?" She asked so I nodded at her. "He didn't tell me you came back. That kid I'm going to scold him when I came back."

"It's ok Mrs. Jeon I'll visit you at you're home. How's Mr. Jeon?" I asked her. "Oh he's still doing great he'll be happy to see you. You're his favorite than Jungkook."

"I didn't know you're close with her Mrs. Jeon." Taehyung said.

"I treated her like my own daughter since I only have jungkook and she's so precious just like her Mom I'm a close friend of her parents." She said that made everyone nod. And reply an 'oh'.

"Would you mind if I'll bring Jennie with me? I have a visitor and Jungkook was there. I want her to meet her." Mrs. Jeon said so they gladly agreed and they even asked if they could join but Mrs. Jeon said no because it is a family gathering.

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