Chapter 18

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Taehyung's word keeps on repeatedly ran on my head as it was confusing me and it was a sudden confession that just made me insane. He bid his goodbye after he said those words and gave me a kiss in the forehead before completely going out of the house not wanting so see how I will react on he's sudden move.

I did my morning routines and took Jihoon to his school since the bus had some problems so I have to bring him to school by myself which was good since we need this because of our busy schedule. I drove back and made my way to the university and made my way out since I have free time for almost two hours so I looked for them around the campus and ended up finding them at the hangout place which was a success since they are really there.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked them as I plopped myself down on the couch making myself comfortable. "Nothing just waiting for the boys since they go out just a few minutes ago."

"Where to?" I asked but they shrugged it off like they really don't know where they are." You miss you're husband already?" Jimin asked as he was just in the corner playing with his phone. "Don't fool around Chim."

"Don't you guys have a class?"

"Why do you have a lot of questions? Is this some kind of interview?" Lisa asked which made me roll my eyes at her. Can't I be concerned about how them?

Not long enough after our conversation a deep laughter could be heard that was getting nearer and I guess it was them since those guys is really loud. The door opened revealing Taehyung with Namjoon, J-hope, Jungkook and Chanyeol? I furrowed my eyebrows as I saw them with him with Jungkook he's arms around Chanyeol's shoulder because as far as I know they weren't close to have that kind of skinship.

"Hey, Jen." Chanyeol greeted as he wave he's hands so I also muttered a hi to him. I looked over Namjoon since he's the smart one, we made an eye contact an he just winked at me so this time I looked over Taehyung who shrugged it off and then to Jungkook who made a cutting sign on his leg. Who's dead to him?

"Hey.. you guys can sit." Lisa offered them since they have been standing since they entered the room so I fixed mf posture and sat on the other couch where only one person can sit since I don't want any interaction with them for now. "So, why are you guys together?" Rosè started the conversation.

"Just hanging out here and there." Jungkook replied in a cool way. "Ohh. I almost forgot, You have something to ask to Chanyeol right?" Namjoon suddenly said so I raised an eyebrow slightly confused about on whatever is happening here.


"Yes. You said it yourself." Namjoon said but I shaked my head while he send me glares and clearly saying through those eyes that I should ride along.

"Oh. I remember now. I'm going to ask you Chan on how come you know my father and you live in one roof." I asked which he replied immediately. "Sorry I forgot to tell you. You're step mom is actually my stepmom too. I don't have someone to be with and you're father was helping since my father was already gone."

"Does it mean you guys are step siblings?" Lisa asked curiously. "No. I'm not blood related with my stepmom so I clearly doesn't have anything to do with Jennie's family." Chanyeol replied which made Lisa nodded like she's listening and interested about the topic.

"It's my turn to ask." Taehyung stated which made everyone's attention be diverted to him. Namjoon nudged him and whispered something to him and I think he's telling him to stop. "Why do I feel like I'm being interrogated?" Chanyeol joked around but no one finds it funny which made the tension inside the room.

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