Chapter 11

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A loud music and beaming lights welcomed us as we enter the nightclub people was dancing and jumping around while the others was just chilling around. JNk club was founded mainly by Jisoo I just invested on it and for what I know it wasn't just me who invested here.

Rosè waved her hands that made us spot them immediately we made our way to the seat they're in and I settled beside Rosè and Jisoo. "Your 8 minutes late." Jimin said as he came back on his seat with two cocktails on his hands.

"It was Taehyung's fault he doesn't want to stop playing the game in Ps 5." I asked that made Jimin widen his eyes. "You have it?", He asked so I nodded and he just squealed like a little kid.

"We're not that late though."

"You're still late." Jin said as he take the seat beside Taehyung. Jisoo just stayed sile and played with her drink and didn't even look straight because Jin was almost in her front.

"Hey Jisoo guess what day it is." I asked her with excitement but she kept her face straight as she asked me what. "Gosh. It's heartbreak Friday." I said that made the other furrow they're eyebrows.

"It's always like that here every Friday." I said that made them nod even if I guess they didn't get it. "Tell me how your ex left you. I don't have any inspiration for singing a song tonight." I said that made Jin choke, I handed him a tissue and asked him if he's ok and he said yes. I went back to Jisoo and wait for her to answer and finally she did.

"Well, he left me hanging without saying anything." She shortly said while looking straightly to Jin. An eye contact was made but after that Jisoo excused herself to take a drink for me and her.

"Yah. Nini what do you think you're doing?" Taehyung asked as he come near me. "I'm trying to be a cupid."I said that made him chuckle. "Cupid is a guy."

"And I can be it." Jisoo went back with a bottle of vodka with her, lime putted in a bowl and some ice. I took a glass and poured the alcohol on it, and drank it. "Yah. Don't drink too much."

"Why?" I asked.

"Your already weird in the normal you, imagine what would you be when you're drunk." Taehyung replied so I smacked his head. "I can manage it."

I drank an another shot before standing up and made my way to the stage that was for the bands that performs here at some times.

I heard them asked if I'm already drunk but I'm not. I took the guitar at the corner and held the mic in the middle.

"Welcome to JNk and it's Heartbreak Friday. I'll be singing a song so I just hope you'll like it." I said before fixing the chord of the guitar and positioned myself to finally start.

The days without you was hell
And I asked for my friend's help
Funny how I left you hanging
And now here I am, singing

Problems to face,
Complex relationship
I still hold on and face everything,
Everything alone

I sang those words in a slow rithym hoping that Jisoo and Jin would feel it and maybe stop the grudges that's holding them back.

I left, but I came back,
And I hoped to be welcomed on your arms,
I've been gone for years
But still, I kept on coming back,
Back on the old days, days with you oh..

Everyone was silent and listened to the song that was written while I was on the stage.

Now that I met you
You saw me like a stranger
I act normal, but still keep my eyes
On you, only you, yes you.

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