Chapter 19

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It was Saturday, the day which Taehyung promised that he'll take us out but it was still early in the morning and I forgot to ask him on what time he's going to fetch us here so I prepared our breakfast while Ji-hoon was still asleep and he work hard on his School works so I don't want to disturb him.

I decided to just cook some pancakes since it was the easiest to do and what we have here. I mixed the batter and added the ingredients needed so I can be done with this already. The doorbell rang so I immediately made my way to the door and open it. Taehyung stood there on a sweatshirt and black pants and ofcourse those boxy smile. I let him in and made my way back again to the kitchen and started frying some of the pancakes.

"You need help?" He asked as he put his hands around my waist and his chin on my shoulder. "Stop that. I'm cooking."

"Can you call Ji-hoon in he's room? I thinks he's already awake." I said so he nodded and obeyed. Soon enough Jihoon came down with Taehyung so I told them to sit and started eating while I cooked the rest of the pancakes.

"What is your plan today?" I asked to Taehyung as I put the pancakes on the table and sat infront of him. "Well, I'm thinking of going out with you." He said

"Where to? You'll bring me with you right?" Jihoon asked so I nodded in response before taking another bite of my food. "Let's go on a amusement park. You okay with it?" Taehyung asked which Jihoon agreed to so I nodded and just ride along.

Jihoon was always the first one too be done as always, so he excused himself to prepare so I nodded and took the plates to wash them since I'm the one who always does it.

"Aren't you going to prepare?" Taehyung asked. "I'll just finish this then I'll prepare too." I replied but instead of going out of the kitchen Taehyung took one of the gloves and took the sponge from me and started to wash the plates.

"I'll do this. You should take a bath now." He said and I was about complain but he looked at me and motioned me to just go so I went up and took a shower and ended up wearing a jeans and a simple sweater that would fit in this kind of weather. I came down and saw Jihoon all ready so I looked for Taehyung and saw him drying up his hands with the towel.

"Are you guys ready?" He asked so I nodded and came with him to the living room. We head out of the house and hopped on his car and made our way on the amusement park Taehyung was talking about.

"Let's try that later." Jihoon said as he point his fingers on the roller coaster that made me widen my eyes since I can't because of my motion sickness. "We can try that later. But Eomma won't come with us. She'll get sick." Taehyung said which made me smile while Ji-hoon nodded and told me to just watch them riding the ride.

Screams could be heard as the roller coaster started moving while I can spot Jihoon rasing he's hands up while Taehyung has his hands gripping tightly on one of the handle. As they come down, Jihoon was smiling ear to ear while Taehyung looks like he's already drained. I handed him a bottle of water which he gladly accepted and drank it immediately.

"I'm not going to ride that thing again." He said which made Ji-hoon chuckle and tease him. "Let's try some of the games before we try an another ride." I said which they agreed on so we walk around and search for a game in which we can play until we ended up in a shooting game.

Jihoon was the first one who tried the game but soon stoped because he failed to bring down all of the targets so this time Taehyung tried it and aim for another shot but then failed so he tried shooting again but soon he already lost all of the bullets living two targets still standing.

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