Chapter 17

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I came home tired and exhausted my mind can't stop thinking about everything and my body was tired after the P. E class which was a torture for me since I'm physically weak. I plopped myself on the couch and lay down even if I hadn't changed into a comfortable clothes. This day was the worst one that happened to me. They're questions or should I say interrogation and school works which made my day more complicated.

"Are you tired Eomma?" Ji-hoon suddenly appeared which made me yelp and sit immediately. "You scared me. How long have you been there?"

"Since you entered. I guess your really tired since you didn't noticed me." He took his books on the coffee table and placed it back on one of the shelf before going back. "Is there anything I can help you out with mom?"

"Hug me." I said as I opened my arms to him which he gladly accepted and hugged me back. "You're my stress reliever. Your really a big walking ball of sunshine." I said which made him chuckle and let go of the hug. "You're being cheesy mom."

"Should I order on Aunt Park's restaurant?" He asked which I replied with I hum and made myself comfortable on the couch. "Eomma. They said it might take an hour to prepare and bring the food here since they have a lot of costumers."

"Tell them it's ok. We'll wait." I replied before making my way upstairs and change into my pajamas since I really don't have a plan of going out. My energy is drained because of the sudden situation my father had putted me in.

"Let's play Ji-hoon." I said since I've been spending my days in studying making me loose my time for Ji-hoon which is important for the both of us. "I thought you don't know how to play." Ji-hoon asked as he come near me and turn on the tv using the remote.

"I want to have some time with you and
you can teach me right?" I asked which he agreed on but excused himself because he's going to take a shower first before playing so I just played some music before going to the kitchen and clean it since I don't have anything to do.

The doorbell outside suddenly rang and it might be the food. They said it might take an hour it has been only 20 minutes since we called. The doorbell rang again making me snap out of my thoughts and made my way to the door since that person seems to cannot wait.

As I opened the door Taehyung was the one who I saw and not one of the staffs in the restaurant. He was smiling ear to ear which made him look like an idiot but still cute though. I furrowed my eyebrows and gave him a questioning look but he just shrugged it off and putted his hands around my shoulder and pulled me inside as he lead like it was he's own home. "Where's Ji-hoon?" He asked making me stop and point my fingers upstairs.

"Ji-hoon! Daddy's home!!" He shouted as he made he's way upstairs. As I processed everything I bursted out laughing at his remark since it really sounds funny. "Yah! Don't laugh at me."

"It sounds--" I said but soon stoped and laughed again I putted myself up and straighten my posture and scoffed. "Mom! Did Daddy became a ghost and visited as here?" Ji-hoon asked as he step down the stairs making me laugh out loud again.

"See??! It's really hilarious!" I said pointing at Taehyung who's already glaring at me but that didn't stoped me from laughing. "He's the one who called you." I finally said and stopped laughing because my cheeks felt numb due laughing that much.

"Appa will do. Daddy sounds a little bit childish." Ji-hoon said as he take the controller. "I'll set this up Eomma. Seems like Taehyung-appa went here to talk to you." He said so I nodded and motioned Taehyung to come with me in the kitchen.

"I am expecting a warm hug when I came here but what I got is your teasing." He said crossing he's arms and pouted a little. "Stop it. I might ended up laughing at your childish act." I said chuckling a bit before taking a glass of water and gave it to him.

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