Chapter 16

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I was having a hard time on sleeping last night because of the contract which resulted of me being awake at early in the morning so I decided to make a breakfast for us and a real one, so I ended up making a kongnamul bab (spicy seafood salad, bean sprout rice) and wake Ji-hoon up early so we can have breakfast together.

"What's with you Eomma you cooked a lot of food." He asked as he sat infront of me and took one of the bowls. "I just woke up early. And it would be good for you to eat those than pancakes."

He just nodded and continued eating so I did too. As we finished eating, I washed the dishes while Ji-hoon was taking a bath since he needs to go to school too. "Mom, I'll get going now!"

"Take care!" I yelled from the kitchen as I know that he has to go now for school. I prepared myself and my things so I can also go since I have class at nine so I head out and locked the door before going to the university.

Students where scattered in the hallway murmurings about different things that I don't care what I should focus for now was the missing contract. If I'm going to think about it, I had it when I came yesterday here in the university and then papers we're scattered in the ground because of that Sowon, and then Taehyung, the hangout place my designs and then Namjoon----

That's it! Namjoon has the marriage contract. Crap this was harder than I thought. Namjoon is smart and if he saw the marriage contract he might show it to Taehyung or they might think that it's fake. But Namjoon is smart he might think the other way. I started fiddling with my fingers and become unconscious about on what's happening around.

Someone tapped my shoulder making me let out a yelp and put my hands on my chest.

"What's wrong with you?" Jisoo asked so I looked around and saw that all of them is here now. Including them. "Just.... Thinking about stuffs."

"You seemed like you lost something important." Namjoon said which made me widen my eyes and looked over him. Is he really challenging me? Annoying? Mocking? Does he know?

I let out a nervous laugh and fixed myself
before speaking. "I lost my appetite."

"Owww. Yeah right. Losing an appetite is really a problem." Rosè said which made me look at her with a 'are you serious?' but she just shrugged it off and pulled out a food on her bag.

"Yeah. But it wasn't a problem to you Rosè. You always have the appetite to eat." Lisa said which made Rosè slap her in her shoulder and glare at her. "Why are you guys together?" I asked changing the topic.

"I just fetch Lisa and Rosè since they slept together." Jisoo said so I nodded. "I just saw them then I came." It was Jimin. "My fiance is over here." Jungkook replied which made me roll my eyes at first they can't stand a minute being with each other and now they can't even separate.

"I stayed at Taehyung's house since we came home to help him in marketing." Namjoon said which made me look over him and then to Taehyung who unexpectedly avoided me. Did they saw it? Namjoon, he told him? I can't stop but to freak out inside and battle with myself since I was really afraid for the consequences.

"You just need some ice cream Jennie." Jisoo said as she grab me and pull me towards the cafeteria. She bought and ice cream for me a milk one and gave it to me so I thanked her made our way out of the cafeteria. "I know somethings is really bothering you right now. I mean even before you came back and I'll wait for the day that you're going to trust me about it."

"Thank you unnie. I'm sorry for keeping it. I want to deal with it since I was the one who's involved." I replied and looked at her with a warm smile. What did I do to have a friend like them?

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