Chapter 10

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It was Friday and classes was again cancelled because of the upcoming sports fest. We decided to go to the club at 8 pm so I still have a lot of time to spend with Ji-hoon. I decided to bring him to Mrs. Jeon since I might come home at late night and the worst part was me being drunk.

We headed to they're house and pressed the doorbell. The gate was opened by one of the maids who gladly let us enter. Mrs. Jeon was waiting it the living room so we headed straight to it and be met by Mr. Jeon who's reading a news paper and Mrs. Jeon who's waiting for us.

"You're finally here. And you're a grow up man now Ji-hoon." Mrs. Jeon greeted us which Ji-hoon respectfully greeted them. "I'm glad you brought him here."

"Well, you see Appa, Eomma Jeon, we'll be going into a club with my friends so I was wondering Ji-hoon can stay here for the night." I asked them which they agreed into and I also asked Ji-hoon if it's ok for him and he said yes.

"Is Jungkook coming with you?"

"Yeah.. by the way where is he?" I asked that made Mrs. Jeon have a glimpse of happiness visible in her. "He said he's going to fetch Lisa . They'll have they're lunch together."

"That's good to hear!" I replied to her excitedly as my plan worked on him. Don't get me wrong I did it for he's good. "Thanks to you it became possible." Mr. Jeon said so I just gave him a thumbs up which he have back.

"Can I use the piano?" Ji-hoon asked while pointing he's finger on the piano located near the stairs. "Of course you can. We would love it hear you play." Mr. Jeon said which Ji-hoon replied with a thank you.

I headed out since I have to check on one of the stores of my clothing line in a mall. Mom left me financially secured before she died. I made it grow and decided to have a business so I won't rely on my father. JNk club was partly owned by me together with Jisoo.

I entered the store that made the employees made they're way and bow at me, I bowed back and proceeded on the counter to check the store's progress and then I checked the stocks.

"What kind of store is this of you doesn't have any other stock of this?" A girl asked almost shouting. I assume that a commotion was happening inside so I walked out of the stock room and try to settle the problem.

"The two girl was fighting over a bag. You see it was a limited edition of bag from the last collection so it was just limited." One of the employees explained me so I nodded and headed on the main store.

"I had this first. So can you just give it?"

"I don't care if you had it first. I have it now."

"Ask them if they have stocks of the same design."

It was Lisa and Tzuyu who was fighting over the back and on Lisa's side was Jungkook and Taehyung. "I'm sorry ma'am but as you see, we doesn't have any of it--" one of the sales lady said calmly but Tzuyu cut her off.

"I don't want to be assist by you. Where's the manager?" She asked so I furrow my eyebrows as she say those words. "You can talk to me." I said as they finally saw me.

"Are you a part timer here?" Tzuyu asked chuckling a bit. "No. I'm not."

"The owner, maybe I can't talk to her."

"Here I am." I said and she just raised her eyebrows. "Are you kidding me?" She asked so I shook my head before signaling the guard to take her out. She just walked out by herself since she doesn't want to be ashamed infront of a lot of people.

"You own this store? NIEEH?" Lisa asked so I nodded. "You two weren't just fighting over the bag right?" I asked which made Lisa glare at me.

"You see that Tzuyu was clinging too much at Jungkook." She whispered to me as she come near me. I bit my lips to stop myself from laughing.

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