Chapter 4

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Lisa was at the dance club, Rosè was nowhere to be seen and Jisoo was at the theater I don't have anyone to accompany with so I decided to the library and look at the profiles that Chanyeol gave to me and finish my homework immediately.

As I step in the library the scent of the books field my nose and a smiling librarian welcomed me with a smile.

"You must be Ms. Jennie Kim." The librarian said to me so I bowed to her and said yes.

"Make yourself comfortable and study well Ms. Jennie." The librarian said so I nodded and give her a nod before living and search for the book that I needed.

As I walk around searching for a book, I saw V behind the shelves opposite to where I am. Is he following me? Gonna do a prank on me because of what Lisa did to him yesterday?

I picked the book and immediately go to one of the tables the one that was near the desk of the librarian so she can spot me easily in case V does something.

I opened my book and prepared my laptop at the table then started reading the profiles of the students that has the name Kim Taehyung. I was soon interrupted when I felt that someone seated in front of me but I didn't mind it not until he or she kept on tapping the table so I wasn't able to control my temper and shouted unknowingly.

"WOULD YOU STOP FO-" I stoped myself from speaking when I saw that it was Chanyeol. I thought it was V. What am I even thinking?


I looked around the library and there I saw V making out with a girl. For the second time again.

"Ms. Kim is there any problem?" The librarian immediately approached me. I had a thought of excuse for shouting. I'm really smart.

"No. Ms. It's just.." I said looking down at my toes saying those words innocently. "Whatever it is Ms. Kim say it."

"Well someone was making out here and I can hear some moans.. it's a distraction for me. For sure for others too." I said and and the librarian looked around and finally she spotted them.

"Ms. Jennie don't worry I'll put an action to it..Mr. Kim 1 hour detention and Ms. Nancy to the dean's office." The librarian said that made the girl Nancy glare at me I just smiled at her innocently and gave her a wink.

"Yah. Great Jennie. Just fucking great." V said raising his hands in the air in disbelief before living with the librarian.

"Did you just lie at the librarian?" Chanyeol asked laughing a bit. "Just a little. Well some of it was true though."

"Why did you shouted at me?"

"Hey Chan what are you doing here?"

"Yah I asked you first."

"Does it matter?"

"I thought you're stalking me. I mean I know that you're not the one who's stalking me I just really thought he's the one who seated in front of me.".I said so he nodded. "Wait. Someone's stalking you?"

"No. I just thought he does."

"That makes things clear." He said before saying he's goodbye to me.

I walked out in the library as I was done doing what the professor tasked me to do. I soon stoped at my track when I spotted a familiar figure and it was Rosè.

She looks a complete mess her eyes was red and puffy due to the tears that continuesly flows down to her cheeks. Her hair in a clean bun now is a mess. What happened? Did Jimin did that to her?
Once that the thought came on my mind I immediately approached her and held her shoulders.

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