Chapter 12

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Slowly opening up my eyes, the sun's out that made the unfamiliar room brighter. I can feel my head ache which made me put my hands on it and decided to go out of the room and find out who's home they stayed after being wasted yesterday.

The smell of the food lingered on me as I made my way down. I unconsciously touched my forehead which ached so I looked at the mirror in the living room just to saw a lump in the middle of my forehead.

"You're already awake." Taehyung said as I enter the dining room he signalled me to sit so I did while he took an another bowl for me. "You know how to cook sulguk?" I asked him as I start to eat the soup.

"No. Jin-hyung cooked that before he go out to buy some essentials." He said so I nodded at him and continued eating. The room was dead silent so I spoke again. "Did I do anything wrong last night? And did I had a fight that's why I have this?" I asked pointing a finger at the lump in my forehead.

"Eat that first Jisoo will come back here with Lisa I just don't know about the others." He said so I nodded on agreement and ate in silence. After we ate, I volunteered to wash the dishes since he have done a lot now. As I finish washing the dishes I made my way to the living room as I heard Jisoo and Lisa's voice.

Jin was also already here sitting beside Jisoo with his hands on her shoulder just seei this, I know I succeed last night.

"Yah. Lisa did I had a fight with someone last night?" I asked while putting the icepacks in my forehead. Lisa then started laughing out loud which caused me to glare at her and kick her foot.


"Yah. Namjoon I think Jungkook has the keys. We should go to the back door instead." Taehyung said so I made my way to the backdoor without waiting for them. The door was locked. I saw the pet flap so I bend down and tried to get in but instead I bumped my forehead as it doesn't fit into it.

"Yah! Jennie that one was for my dog. You can't enter the house using that." Taehyung said as he held my shoulder and pulled me up as he open the door.


"Did I really did that?" I asked pointing at myself. I can feel myself heating up and my face must be red like a tomato now because of that embarrassing moment. Lisa never stopped laughing as she told me what happened. "Jisoo. Stop her." I said while looking like lost puppy at Jisoo.

"And oh! Do you know what you said to Taehyung at the bar?" Lisa asked so I looked over Taehyung who's avoiding an eye contact. His ears was now read I didn't do anything stupid right? I just said something. I didn't said that I'm married right?

"Jisoo you imitate them with Jin!" Lisa said as she shake Jisoo's body who's also holding back her laughter just like Jin. Jisoo cleared her throat before speaking.

"Hubby." She said as he pout and gave a cute face to Jin. "H-hubby?" Jin asked stuttering like what Taehyung did. "What. Am I not allowed to call my husband hubby?" Jisoo asked.

"Who's your husband?"

"You. Who else do. Do you think it could be." Jisoo said before the both of them started laughing out loud. "Yah. Jisoo this is what you're going to give me after I helped you last night?"

"Did I really did those.?"I asked as I faced Taehyung. He crossed his arms on he's chest and rested he's back on the couch before nodding. Why is he acting so cool now when he just blushes a while ago?

"Ahhhhh! Shit. WHY?" I shouted as I ran my hands through my hair letting out my frustrations. I shouldn't have done that. "Relax Jen. You just had fun." Lisa said so I glared at her. I embarrassed myself what's the fun on it?!

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