Chapter 7

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Ji-hoon has to be in he's school in 7:00 am so I woke up early and prepare a breakfast for him. I just made some pancakes so I'm not going to to have hard time in cooking he's food because my ankle is still not healed. Ji-hoon came down after he prepare himself and already ready for his school since his school bus will come in 15 minutes.

He greeted me a good morning before sitting and started eating his food. Not long after he finished his food a horn could be heard so he immediately got out of the house and enter his bus. After he left I also prepare my self as I can't miss my classes so I showered and prepare myself.

I walked out of the house and locked the door since no one's gonna be staying here. I tighten my grip on the crouches as I turn around only to be startled by the one and only Kim Taehyung leaning his body on his car. "What are you doing?" I asked as I come near him.

"I'm fetching you?" He said before going and then the next thing he did is he opened the door of his car's passenger seat. "Seriously?"
I asked him but he just motioned me to go and enter his car. So I did.

"Hey. I'm curious on why the three of them hates you're group." I said trying to make a conversation and it was partly true that I'm curious about what happened. Taehyung cleared his throat before speaking.

"Well you see Jin and Jisoo didn't have a proper break up since Jin-hyung just left him hanging which caused Lisa and Jisoo hating him. And then for Lisa and Jungkook they just entered the University and then next thing we knew the both of them was at the Dean's office for fighting while they are on class." He said so I furrowed my eyebrows.

"That's odd."

"I agree with you."

"If Jin left and didn't came back for years it means that the didn't broke up!" I said while tapping his shoulders. "But you see, Jin just came back and they barely talk to each other." Taehyung said that made me wonder. Do they still like or love each other?

"Continue." I said so he nodded and told the other part of his story. " Well you see Rosè was at the cheerleading team. We got lost and the blame was on them." He said so I asked him how it happened but he just said it's a long story to tell.

"And we often fight sometimes because we have the same sports to play with the worst one was Lisa's and J-hope." He said while stopping himself from laughing so I giggled at his reaction.

We soon stoped as we reach the University's parking lot. I was about to get up but he stopped me and instead he turned of the engine and got out of the car. He opened the door for me and offered a hand to me.

"Yah! I can still manage myself and this would be gone after a few days." I said but he wouldn't budge. "Then let me for the 'few days' to look on you." He said so I just sighed in defeat.

"I can walk alone." I said as he was about to held my shoulder and support me while walking. "I'm just being helpful here. Can't you just appreciate it?" Taehyung said so I shrugged my shoulder before replying.

"I'm just not used to people taking care of me." He just nodded and walked to my side. As I remember my first subject I widen my eyes as I remember that it was in the second floor. Taehyung seems to notice it as he nudge me. "Any problem Nini?" He asked so I replied honestly at him.

"The first subject it was in the second floor." I said that made him nod then gave me a smile. As we reach the stairs he bent down and offered me a piggy back ride so I just hop on it was much better than me having a struggle on waking in the stairs.

He then stand up and started walking the stairs wasn't that pretty high but for sure he's going to be tired because of the weight in hi back. "You okay?" I asked him and he just nodded. I can feel that he was panting heavily so it was a realized when we reached the second floor.

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