Chapter 6

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The cold wind up here brushes off on me making my hair flew in motion. City lights was starting to be visible red and orange was the current color of the sky that made the view ethereal as it is right now so I took the camera with me and took a photo of the view.

While Taehyung was just sitting in one of the bench and I'm well aware that he's looking at me.

"The view was pretty right? That's why I didn't regret pulling you up to here." Taehyung said so I made my way to him and start a conversation."Yeah. I only often have a time for this because all my life I have been studying here and there." I replied to him.

"We should explore more than this. There's a lot to see in the outside world." He said that made me frown. "You said you're always studying so for sure you stays only at home, school, and then library." He added.

"Maybe. We'll see."

"Is you're name really Kim Taehyung?" I asked him which he replied with a nod. "Can I know some details about you? Like you're birth date, name of your parents, place of birth, stuffs like that." I said to him which he replied.

All of it were matched to the details putted in the marriage contract. It's impossible that it is a coincidence because it's too much to be it .

"Interested in me now Nini?" He asked so I chuckled at him because the playful side of him comes back again. "What's with the nickname Taetae?" I asked that just made him chuckle making his deep voice the only one can be heard in the rooftop.

The whole day ended with us laughing around and does what friends would do in a hang out time. After it we decided to just catch up tomorrow and had a deal that we're going to watch them playing basketball ball against the team of the other university.


"Jennie! The basketball will start in 30 minutes." Jungkook reminded me as he and the others spotted me near the locker area."Hey. Would it be ok if I'll be a little late. You see I have some errands to do because of additional task added to me in Statistics."

"But you promised yesterday Nini." Taehyung said pouting at me which I found cute. "I'm just going to be late I didn't said that I won't come." I replied to him which made him roll his eyes. I also rolled my eyes at him that made him chuckle.

"Ok but you have a punishment if you're going to come in the 4th quarter." He said so I nodded and replied." I'll come before the 4th quarter or earlier." I replied while taking the books in my locker.

"Gotta go so I could be done on this." I said raising the books in my hand waving them a goodbye.

After I greet the librarian a good morning I headed in and search for the book I need for the activity that the professor wants me to do in order to catch up with the lesson I missed for transferring late. I took some notes of the important details before I proceeded on answering the questions in the activity. It was past  10:00 am when I got out of the library so I immediately made my way to the court as I promised to watch them playing

And just as expected they look like a mess. Taehyung trying to punch the other team's member with J-hope stopping him, Jungkook sitting on one of the chairs with Jin putting a cold compress on Jungkook's ankle. As I saw them I cleared my throat that made them look at me. Taehyung immediately withdraw his hands on the guy while J-hope mouthed me a 'thank you'.

"What happened here?" I asked them which they replied immediately." These guy tripped Jungkook that made him fall and twist his ankle." Taehyung replied pointing his hands on a tall guy. "So you think It would help if you're going to beat his ass up?" I asked him which he replied with a no.

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