Chapter 8

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A bell could be heard as we enter the cafè. A warm and cozy interior of the cafe welcomed us as we head to the counter. The sleep inside the cafe was soothing that made me relax a bit.

"Hello, may I know you're order please?" The girl in the counter asked us so I looked at Taehyung waiting him to respond first. "You choose first." He said as he look at me so I nodded.

"Galão coffee for me, I'll also have some profiteroles and croissant." I said and then the girl looked at Taehyung. "Order for me."

"Why me? I don't even know what you like." I replied to him but he still insisted. He said that he wasn't good a French since some of the dishes was french pastries. I them choose for him because I don't have any choice.

"Cafè au lait and a cannoli for him. And oh add an affogato for me." I said before going to one of the seats while waiting for the food we ordered.

"Was it hard?" I asked him but he just looked at me in confusion. "Of course it is. It's hard to pronounce french and other dishes in here." He replied so I laughed at him making him glare at me.

"I was talking about the books. I saw you're notes and it's pretty clean and organized." I said that made him nod and let out an 'oh'.

"It's easy."

"Ok. Here answer these questions then I'll check it when I came home." I said while giving him the test papers. "It was supposed to be a reviewer for me and Lisa but don't worry I have a copy." I added that he replied with a thanks.

The waitress arrived and putted our orders in the table. I started to dig in while Taehyung was answering the questions in the paper.

"Tae. Eat first then you can continue that. The coffee's going to be cold." I said so he dropped the pen and paper on the table and started sipping his coffee. "You said you're going to teach me. But it turns out that you just instructed me."

"I taught you how to study. You're already smart so things doesn't need to be reached one by one to you." I said that made him smile." Really?" He asked so I replied him with a nod before eating the croissants.

"How was it?"

"Well,it's easy than expected." He replied so I nodded at him again. "I have a lot of books at home, if you need anything I can lend you some and I know some website's that has a lot of info you might need." I said.

"I'll continue this." He said before putting down the cup on the table and started answering the questions.

While me, what I did is just observe him while he's eager in answering the questions I have prepared. He was serious at first and then he's going to smile like an idiot because he answered one of it.

"Taehyung." A feminine voice called him out so I looked at the direction of it and be met by a beautiful and taller girl. She walked to our direction so I immediately asked Taehyung on who she is and what he answered me was really expected. He's ex.

"It's been a long time." She said as she stood in our side. "Yeah. It is." Taehyung replied in a serious tone while he arrange the paper and neatly compiled it.

"Hi. You're his tutor?" The girl asked that made me want to roll my eyes at her but I stopped my self from doing so. "Ah. No, I'm his girlfriend." I said smiling at her and took her hand for a handshake. I looked at Taehyung and saw his eyes nearly went out because of what I said. Payback

"Oh.. sorry I didn't know." She said so I nodded before replying."It's ok people will really think at that way." I replied to her.

"I'm Irene." She said so I smiled at her and introduced myself at her. "Jennie Kim." I replied which made her widen her eyes. "Oh I heard a lot of things about you in our university."

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