Chapter 14

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Jennie ~

It was a hectic Monday in the university as everyone was busy studying and training hard for the upcoming competitions. I've been a little bit off for the past few weeks because of somethings or should I say problems that has been hunting me until now and left unsolved.

"You're not living with your Dad? I saw him at Mino's neighborhood he said he's been staying there for months now since he left in America."

Mrs. Song said never left my mind since the day that she said those words on me. It must be true that my father married another woman years after my mom died. How could he?

"KIM JENNIE!" Jisoo shouted at me so I blinked a lot of times before looking at her. "What did you said?" I asked to her but she just putted her hands on her forehead resting it on the table.

"Are you ok Jennie? You're spacing out." Taehyung asked so I nodded and reasoned out the upcoming exam as an excuse. "Are you sure about that?" Rosè asked so I nodded again.

"You'll do great in exams. You're the best at it." Lisa cheered and putted her hands together and said fighting! I smiled at her and thanked her but soon stoped as someone called Taehyung.

"Taehyungggg!" A girl said as he cling into him like a koala. "Sowoon?" He asked as well as the others. "Oh.. new girl?" She asked as she saw me since I was sitting beside Taehyung. I just gave her a bored look before standing up.

"You're going? You haven't touched your food yet." Lisa asked worriedly so I just nodded and gave her a reassuring smile before replying. " I'm still good and I have to finish my sketches for the collection I'm working with."

" should it first." Rosè said in her sweetest tone. "I'll eat later. I just lost my appetite and I gotta kept on working." I said before traveling my eyes on every person siting on the table until I ended up having a eye contact with Sowoon who's already glaring at me.

"I'll just see you guys later I'm free for the next one hour." I said before picking up my bag on the chair and completely went out of the cafeteria and took my sketches in my locker.

I made my way to the library which doesn't have any students making it dead silent. The librarian greeted me and pointed me a sit where I can be unnoticed and no one would disturb me. I am now convinced that I'm the librarian's favorite.

I sat comfortably on the wooden chair and took my sketch pad, pencils and some colorings. Papers was scattered in the table as I sketch any ideas that would pop in my mind. I had the idea of a collection of suits for woman's for my portfolio.

I soon stoped as I noticed a fresh milk on my table so I paused and look up to be met by Taehyung who's have been observing my works. "What are you doing?"

"Looking at your works."

"Ah. I thought your observing."

"Aish. Ok you didn't ate so I brought you that milk." He said so I just nodded at him and thanked him. "Food isn't allowed here in the library."

"Ms. Librarian always favors you so she agreed. Just be careful not to spill it." He said so I looked over the librarian and mouthed her a thank you. "I didn't know your taking fashion seriously." He stated.

"Why would I have my own clothing brand if fashion is just a joke to me." I said but he just ignored me and made his way and sat in front of me. "Do you have your period?" He asked all of a sudden so I kicked him under the table.

"What? Last time your your such a softie now you acts like a mad woman." He said that made me think. I've been thinking about a lot of things which made me down. And then a girl suddenly appeared out of nowhere why-- I'm not jealous right? I'm not. Yes totally not.

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