Chapter 3

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As soon as I arrived at the University a coach? Teacher? suddenly approached me. Is he waiting for me? When he notice me he quickly smiled and bowed at me so I did the same. Students chattering around could be heard as no one among us utter a word until he finally spoke.

"Hi. If you don't know me I am one of the coaches in the sports committee you might bi informed now about the sports fest  where hoping that you can participate in any of the competition." He said so I smiled at him before replying.

"Well it was one of your conditions so I can transfer here even if it's late. So I guess I won't have any choice but to join. It's up on you on what competition. It really doesn't matter." I said so he thank me before going inside.

"What was that?" Lisa asked putting her arms on my shoulder. "Sports" I shortly replied.

"Oh.. yeah right the ace Jennie kim. I bet they blackmailed you just so you can represent the school." Lisa said so I playfully punched her arms. "Yah.. don't be like that your parents own this school. They won't do such thing."

"I don't care if they're the owner."

"You're gonna own this soon."

"Oh yeah. Let's go smartass for sure you doth want to be late." She said before dragging me inside. As we we're walking in the hall, of course they are here again. Lisa nudge me so I can see them.

"Don't have any pranks prepared Manoban?" Jungkook asked. "No. I heard something happened to your car. I pity you so I think I should stop for the meantime." Lisa said that made Jungkook glare at Lisa and then me.

"Jennie. Give me a ride again." V said making Lisa look at me. " Again?" Lisa asked.

"What kind of ride did you gave him?" Lisa asked again giving me glares.

"Huh.. he seated in the passenger seat and then I stoped infront of my house then he walk away to go to his own house." I replied to her. "And why would you do that?" She asked again. Hands on her hips.

"Because he said to. And it would be the last. I'll get going now I'm late for class let's catch up later." I said as fast as I can and then I ran away to head to my class. I can hear her shouting my name but I didn't stoped and just continued walking until I reach my class.

"I didn't know you can rap." V said as he take the seat beside me. "I didn't know you study now." I replied not looking at him and stayed my focus on the book I'm reading.

"Well now you do princess." He replied.

"Let's see if you'll stay awake."

"I didn't know you're watching me sleep from afar you could've told me so I move here earlier so you can watch me nearer to you." He replied looking at my side view. "I'm just good at observing people."

"So it was observing not watching."

"The point is I didn't intended to. It's just I'm used on doing it."

"Doing what? Watching me asleep?"

"No. I'm kinda interested in psychology. Now can you shut up. If not you can go back to your seat and talk to whoever you want too." I said finally looking at him. I was stiffened when I looked at him. He's face was only a inch away from me. His tall nose almost touching my small once, his eyes drowning me into his dark orbs. I looked at him with wide eyes while he travel he's eyes on my face.

"Good morning class." The professor greeted us so I cleared my throat looking away at him awkwardly and face the front where the professor is standing. I still can feel him staring at me but I stopped my self from looking and just focused on the lesson not until a he chuckled with he's deep voice making everyone look at him including me.

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