Chapter 2

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Second day of school is going to be a tough day. I transferred late so I have so many works to catch up with. Second was BTS, because of what Lisa did to them they'll be up for a revenge. Should I be worried about it? Nah.. I have to search for my husband so I don't have time for they're immature acts.

As I enter the school Jisoo was already there talking to Rose about what happened yesterday while she was out when I asked her she said ' just around the University ' and 'Did some errands ' so I just let her be with her excuses.

I walked through the hallway again to go to my locker and put some stuffs that I forgot to put in it. Not until an unpleasant sight at my side V kissing a girl. I chuckled making them stop and turn they're head on my direction.

"Yah! Don't you have a business to do than disturbing us huh?" The girl asked me so I smiled a bit." Nothing. For now." I replied to her that made him roll her eyes.

"Hey Jennie. Want to do me instead?" V asked me so I took a step forward to face him and I putted my hands on his collar and pulled him a bit so his face was now near to me. Damn. He's handsome. I bit my lip and got closer to his lips, excitement was visible on his eyes but instead on kissing him I pulled away smirking a bit.

"Those lips just kissed some slut a while do you expect me to be one of them? Tsk. I'm more than that V." I said to him that made him bite his lips and chuckled. The deep voice, just shit. "No. I know that princess." He replied cockily.

"Ms. Kim." A familiar voice rang to my ears so I looked at my back only to meet by another tall and handsome man with a pile of books and documents on his hands. A senior? I thought so I smiled a bit and bowed at him.

"Why so formal? You weren't like that when you came in my house." He said so I looked at him again with wide eyes. That's him he was the one who lives at ' my husband's house Park Chanyeol?

"Came in his house?" V suddenly butted in.
"Yah he's not talking to you don't be so nosy." I told him putting my hands on my hips."Why would you even go to his
house?" He asked but I ignored him.

"Yeah. I remember now sorry I thought you're a senior." I said smiling lightly at him which he replied with a nod and a smile." Yah Ms. Jennie kim why are you so nice at him and then when it comes to me you have such an attitude" V said so I looked at him again.

"Yah. Why are always enterupting me? And you have the same attitude against me. So let's just say it's a pay back mmh?" I said crossing my arms and raise my eyebrows at him.

"Yah Kim. To the court now!" Namjoon shouted from the end of the end of the hallway so I smirk at him and mouthed him bye.

"Here. I told you I'm going to help you. All of the students that has the name Kim Taehyung has the details there." He said giving me a pile of paper that was already binded.

"Yah are you sure this is it? I think it's an encyclopedia." I stated looking at the thick binded files a my hands. "Don't be exaggerated Jennie it's thinner than it." He replied.

"And I'm not a senior. A graduating civil engineering student. A year older than you." He said so I nodded in satisfaction. "Then why are you here? I mean this is the Gokong wei school of business."

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