Chapter 13

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Jennie ~

It was mid-afternoon afternoon when we arrived in Sky castle memorial park where my mother and Jiyong oppa's grave is in, we made our their way to where the grave is located. Soon as we arrived I lighten up a candle and putted the blue roses that was my mother's favorite.

Ji-hoon just kept on staring at his father's picture with a teary eyes. Taehyung didn't leaved his side which I was thankful of. I came near them and also putted a bouquet of flowers on Jiyong-oppa.

"Ji-hoon take your time,we'll leave you alone, we're going to wait for you at that bench." I said as I tap he's shoulder before dragging Taehyung with me and made him sat on the bench with him.

We silently sat there while I kept my eye on Ji-hoon's figure. I decide to finally break the silence between us so I fixed myself and face him who's already looking at me.

"Uhm. I just want to say thank you." I started to talk and gladly he replied. "For?"

"As you see, I've been with Ji-hoon on he's life since the day he was born and we've become more than that as he's parents died leaving him alone.

He was always with me. He's mother but, he never had a man to be with him and act like a father to him or even an Hyung. So thank you for not leaving he's side." I said which he replied with a nod and smiled genuinely and warm this time. The sun was still up that made everything around bright but he's smile was brighter than the sun.

"You know Jennie, I mostly saw you as an intimidating woman which can bring down anyone, but the Jennie that I can see now was the one who's going to be a great mom." He said so I chuckled at his statement.

"I thought you're an arrogant man who always plays and mess around but your also different now." I said which made him frown. "Wow. You really think of me at that way?" He asked so I nodded while he responded with a gasp and covered he's mouth dramatically.

"A lot of you says that. I don't know but I'm always scared to fail but being a mom to Ji-hoon at a young age, that didn't scared me. I was confident that I'll be good because it was a kid. I've been dreaming of it since I was a kid." I said as I replied to his statement just now.

"You're dreams came true then. Congrats." He said but I just chuckled at his remark. "Not all of it. I doesn't have a man that I love to marry with and help me with the kids."

"C'mon you'll meet him soon."

I already did. He just doesn't know it.

"Eomma. We can go home now." Ji-hoon said as he come near us. "You're ok now?" I asked which he replied with a nod. "More than it."

We hopped into the car and made our way home as it was already getting dark we ordered in a drive thru before going home as both of us we're pretty tired to cook at home. I flopped myself into the sofa as we arrived at home with Taehyung who excused himse and went to the comfort room.

"Change into your pajama Ji-hoon." I said which he obeyed so I also made my way up and change into a comfortable clothes.

"Ji-hoon let's play."I said as I turn on the TV and the playstation. "Woah. Really? We're going to play?!"

"No. We're going to sleep."

"Eomma! You're being sarcastic."

"And you're being dumb."

"Just play you two instead of arguing." Taehyung said as he enter the living room and sit comfortably at the sofa while the two of us was sitting on the floor.  "Ok Taehyung Appa."

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