Parks and Strangers

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As the wind blows my hair wildly, I feel a presence sit beside me on the bench I've inhabited in my efforts to escape my life for an afternoon. I wasn't planning on socializing so when the soft voice of the stranger beside me addresses me, I didn't even realize.

"Excuse me?" The soft raspy voice repeats, this time gaining my attention.

"Oh! Sorry, I was in my own world. What can I help you with?" I reply, having helped many people out in the city before, assuming she needs directions. As I try to make eye contact, I notice she has huge sunglasses covering her face, dark hair that shines in the suns rays and a simple cream colored shirt on her torso.

"I noticed you were thinking very deeply and just wanted to check on you" she states, gaining my surprise.

"Checking on a stranger?" I reply, quirking an eyebrow.

"There is such a thing as kindness in this crazy world you know" she smirks back at me. My stomach flutters, whoa that's a pretty smile.

"Oh there is? I forgot with all the shittiness lately. I'm okay, just processing a lot. Thank you for asking..." I pause for her name. She hesitates a few beats before replying.

"Beth, nice to meet you...?" She copies my tone and I chuckle.

"Y/N, it's a pleasure Beth, pretty name by the way," I smile as a faint blush fills her defined cheeks. There's something familiar about her. It's so easy to talk to her and feel comfortable, but I met her not even 5 minutes ago.

"Thank you, Y/N. So, what brings you here to think about all of life's struggles?" She asks suppressing a smile. She's teasing me.

"Well, I'm a teacher and this pandemic thing is making me crazy. I wish I could actually see my kids in person, but we are fully remote. It's a stressful time for teachers right now and it doesn't feel like people understand that. Plus, there's people deciding to go crazy now that some mandates are lifting. Violence makes me sick." I start to move my hands as my frustration manifests outside of my mind.

"Mhmm," she hums, "I think those are valid reasons to want an escape. It's good to take care of yourself." Her validation of my feelings makes me smile.

"Thank you, Beth. What about you? Are you escaping as well?" I quirk an eyebrow and twist my lips to the side, trying to hide the smile that wants to stay on my lips as I allow myself to quickly glance over her again. She's insanely attractive and I haven't even seen her eyes or full face yet. Her voice keeps pulling me in.

"You could say that...your name is beautiful too, by the way." She smirks at her lack of elaboration. She's trying to distract me from something hmmmm.

"Mysterious, I get it. And thank you, my mom named me after an actress or a princess, I don't remember" I furrow my eyebrows in thought.

"Oh no, not that face again," she smiles as I roll my eyes, "That's cool, are you an actress then? Since you are possibly named after one?" Her curiosity surprises me, it's just my name but it feels like she truly wants to know.

"God no! I would be horrible at that. Actors are insanely talented and their jobs must be so hard." I take a deep breath just thinking about being in a spotlight like that, I'd be a ball of anxiety.

"Interesting," she starts taking a breath, "not many people think the glam life is hard." She hums as she looks over the people laid out on the grass in front of us. Before I can reply she continues, "You must be a princess then?" Her smirk makes me chuckle. I shake my head and ignore the comment.

"You seem to be speaking from experience?" I question, taking in her side profile and her smile falters a little. We are in New York City, so it isn't crazy to think I'd run into an actress. They walk around all the time.

Her smirk returns, "You could say that" she repeats her line from earlier.

I laugh and shake my head at her. She shifts her position slightly, angling herself more towards me, its subtle but I notice.

"You really want to sell the mysterious stranger character huh?" I stare at my own reflection in her sunglasses as she looks back at me, wishing to actually see her eyes.

She shrugs, "Playing a part is my job." She rests her head on her hand as her elbow rests on the back of the bench, biting her lip with a mischievous smile. I shift to face more towards her now that I realize this conversation won't be stopping any time soon. Alright stranger, let's do this.

AN: Hi! This is my first time ever writing a story so sorry if my writing is weird. It's not my strong suit and I definitely have grammar issues....I think? Words are hard. But, I had an idea and wanted to try it out. Hope you enjoy!

Update: I tried to edit it and I'm going to continue to try editing all parts today. (5/6)

Update x2: I'm rereading and editing again before starting the next book and I'm emotional. I probably still missed mistakes but oh well.

A New York City Dream ~ Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now