Cleaning & Shopping Bags

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I continue working while Lizzie is shopping but quickly realize she wouldn't have anywhere to put her new stuff. I get up and go through my clothes, I needed to get rid of some stuff anyway. I start organizing what I'm keeping so she has room in the closet and has a couple of drawers of my dresser too. I put the clothes I'm donating in a garbage bag and set them on my air mattress, for now, I'll bring them to Salvation Army later. I check my watch and it's time for my next class to teach. My day goes on and I get slightly worried that Lizzie hasn't returned. I search her name on google to see what my friend was talking about. There was a picture of her walking away from the bench we were sitting on, but I'm not in frame thank goodness. There isn't any other news so that's good. I decide to send a quick text to check-in. She texts back that she's on her way back and I calm down a little.

She unlocks my door when my lunchtime begins and I roll back in my chair to look at her. I laugh. She looks crazy.

"What, did you buy the whole store?" I tease. She pushes her sunglasses on top of my hat sat on her head and sets down the bags onto the air mattress.

"You're hilarious." She deadpans and takes off the hat throwing it into one of her bags. Guess that's her hat now.

I smile, "I cleared out some space for your stuff in my closet and dresser." I let her know. She looks up from rummaging through her shopping bags.

"Wait really?" She asks. I nod with a smile. She smiles back and walks towards me into my room. She opens up the closet and notices the cracked open empty dresser drawers. "You're sweet" she states, looking at me. I just shrug in response turning back to working on lesson plans. "I'll make lunch" she decides and heads back into the kitchen. I hum in response. She moves around the kitchen making peanut butter sandwiches. She sets mine down next to me then settles on my bed watching me work.

"Staring is creepy you know," I tell her and smirk.

"Do you have eyes on the back of your head or something?" She questions.

"Nope, I just feel you," I say and she laughs. "What?" I ask swiping my sandwich and turning to face her.

"Stealing my lines?" I look at her confused and realize what I said. Wow.

"I didn't even realize, honestly. How was your shopping trip?" I ask.

"It was good, it's extremely nice out today. A little girl had a Wandavision shirt on and she kept looking at me while her mom was busy so I took my sunglasses off and winked at her. She was so shocked it was cute. She didn't say anything she just did random hand movements at me. So I pretended to push her closer to her mom with my powers and she went along with it. It was hilarious." I smile at her story, she's adorable.

"I'm glad you had fun, what did you get" I nod over to her mountain of shopping bags. She beams at me and scrambles to show me her purchases. She shows me her new shirts and bottoms, skips over the Victoria secret bag which makes me raise my eyebrows. She shows me a few dresses and a pantsuit which will look fantastic on her. She pauses.

"I got something for you too actually." She states as she gets to the last bag.

"Elizabeth Chase Olsen, you better be lying" I state.

"Shut up, it's the least I could do. Look it's cute." She holds up a cute pair of dress pants and a matching suit jacket. "I noticed you have a few blazers and thought when you go back to work this would be a cute dress-up outfit. Dresses don't seem to be your favorite thing in the world. And look isn't the pattern cute?" She tries to sell me on it seeing I look unimpressed by her spending money on me. It's not that I dislike the gesture, I just don't like when people buy me things, I don't know how to accept gifts, I get awkward. I soften a little at how excited she seems about it and how she noticed what I like in just a few days.

"It's really cute Lizzie, thank you." She smiles at my reaction and starts putting her new purchases away, humming to the soft music playing from my laptop. I smile and turn back to continue working. The rest of the day is calm, I have a meeting after school but Lizzie keeps herself busy continuing the book she started on the couch. Once I'm done for the day I get up and stretch. I look over to Lizzie and notice her eyes shoot up to my face, what was she looking at?

"Want to go on an adventure?" I ask. Her eyes light up.

"Yeah! Where are we going?" She questions as she gets her shoes on, clearly excited to get going.

"You'll see" I slip my shoes on, grab what I need and slip the baseball cap Lizzie has claimed for herself on her head. She adjusts it a little and smiles up at me. I smile back and open my door for her, then lock it up. I hand her one of my AirPods and she accepts slipping it into her ear as I play the playlist she seems to like. I take her to the subway and she looks up at me in question, realizing we are going somewhere outside of Queens. I just smirk and offer no clues. Her hand grips onto my forearm like she did when we went to the Brooklyn Bridge when we get into the subway car around many other people. We have to stand so I hold onto the bar above our heads. She's slightly too short to reach the same bar so she holds onto my waist. It makes my stomach go wild and I'm surprised by all the physical contact, I don't question it though because I don't want it to end.

A/N My iPad is dying as I write this but I hope you enjoy it! Cute little chapter :)

(Edited 5/19: I love rereading and finding little things I forgot about lol)

A New York City Dream ~ Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now