Apartments & Movie Marathons

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I wake up with a start the next morning and realize Lizzie jumped on top of me to wake me up. Jesus fucking Christ.

"A kiss would have worked babe, I could have peed my pants," I grumble once I realize there's no emergency.

"Get up get up get up!" She shouts into my ear.

"Okay, I love you, so so much, but I will push you off this bed," I warn.

"You wouldn't, you love me too much." She kisses my cheek like 5 times in a row.

"You may have a point. But why are you so excited my sweet angel?" I ask, rubbing my eyes and yawning.

"I've been looking at apartments and need your opinion." She states perching herself on my lap with my iPad in her hand.

"Babe, what time is it?" I ask, still trying to wake up enough to match her energy. "How many coffees have you had?" I add-in.

"It's like 10 am, and I've only had 1 so far." She explains, her excited eyes locked onto the screen.

"Okay, I'm going to need to pee and get some food in me before I can match this energy okay?" I smile at her as she nods in acceptance slightly bouncing in excitement. "Babe, I have to get up to pee." I remind her.

"Oh right." She gets up and allows me to get out of bed. She follows me into the bathroom and I raise my eyebrow as she settles in the doorway.

"Are you going to let me pee in peace?" I ask and she looks up at me.

"I've been up close and personal with your vagina so no need to be modest, Y/N" She replies and I blush. Okay then, no more privacy I guess. I wonder what the clinginess is about but accept it, ignoring her while I pee then move to brush my teeth. She rests her forehead between my shoulder blades and continues to scroll on my iPad behind my back while I rinse. Apparently, she's not leaving my side, and I'm okay with it.

"Not that I don't love the no personal space, trust me I love it, but is everything okay?" I ask, just in case. She's usually affectionate but this seems a bit more than usual.

"I just want to close to you today. Not sure why, my love." She replies standing straight to follow me to my room. I pick out some comfy clothes seeing how she isn't dressed to leave the apartment either.

"Okay, what would you like to show me?" I sit down on my bed once I change my clothes, propping some pillows up, and smile as she settles in my lap.

"I'm looking at some apartments in Soho. I like the area and I know you do too." I quirk an eyebrow at her inclusion of my love for the area but let it go for now. I hold my hand out and she places the iPad in my hand leaning forward to rest her head on my shoulder so she can see too. I smile softly and kiss her hairline, she's so fucking cute. I scroll through the ones she saved and see the prices, Jesus Christ.

"Holy shit, these are nice. You can afford this?" I clarify. She hums in reply. "You want to buy or rent?"

"Buy, I love it here and then I'll have a house on both coasts. One close to work and one close to my love." She flirts kissing the underside of my jaw. I look down at her and peck her lips in reply.

I click on one on Wooster street and scroll through the photos. Exposed brick, lots of space, cozy but elegant, lots of closet space, 2 bed, 2 baths. This one is nice.

"I like that one, it's really spacious and the exposed brick is beautiful." She explains. I nod in response and scroll through a couple more, but I like the one we just talked about.

"I'd go with this one babe." I offer and she nods.

"Yeah, it's one of the nicer ones, the floors are nice, all the shelving is so satisfying too." She agrees.

A New York City Dream ~ Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now