Comfort Show & Hickeys

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The rest of the week is uneventful after the stressful start to the week. Well, minus the increasing amount of making out that happens but I'm not complaining at all. I started going to the gym again every day at 5 to help with some of the stress and Lizzie gets to get some work done in peace while I'm gone. It's nice being with her all the time, but having time to ourselves is needed too. If we don't have alone time we would probably drive each other crazy and besides, it's good in any relationship to have some space.

We have our dinner plans with Scarlett tonight and I am weirdly not stressed about it. I've done a lot of thinking about dating a celebrity and came to the conclusion I'm going to have to suck it up if I want this to work out. I can get used to it and it will all be fine eventually. A part of me is still trying to process that I'm dating Lizzie and going to dinner with Scarlett but it will settle in at some point. Lizzie is currently out running an errand so I take this opportunity to watch Wandavision. Before I met Lizzie I watched the shower weekly, it's an actual problem. Every time something was a slight inconvenience I found myself watching Wandavision. But, since Lizzie started staying here I felt weird about it.

I'm happily watching episode 3 when the door opens. I scramble to find the remote and exit out of the show before Lizzie catches me.

"Hey babe," she greets setting down the shopping bags in her hands and planting a kiss on my flushed forehead. She notices my flushed appearance and quirks an eyebrow, "What were you doing?" She questions.

"Uh, nothing. Nothing at all." I reply. She tilts her head taking a look at the TV showing Disney Plus open to the Marvel section.

"Were you watching Marvel?" She questions. I nod. "Okay, why are you so embarrassed about that? I know you're a Marvel nerd. I shrug. She narrows her eyes and looks again at the screen. She takes the remote and goes to the home screen to look at the continue watching section. I hide my face in my pillow.

"You were watching Wandavision?" She questions slyly. I groan in response. "Aw babe, you are such a supportive girlfriend." She teases. I huff and get up, grabbing clothes for the gym my face beat red. "Why are you embarrassed?" She questions seriously.

"I dunno, is it not weird? I mean my girlfriend is Wanda Maximoff. It's my comfort show okay?" I stumble with my response.

She smiles, "Baby, you are so cute. I love that you like Wandavision so much. You don't have to feel weird about it." she says seriously. "We can watch it together!" She teases. I roll my eyes.

"Never going to happen. I will never watch a movie you are in with you." I state heading to the bathroom to change.

"What about the Dr. Strange movie at the Premiere?" She questions coyly.

"Wait, are you saying I'm going to get to go to the premiere of Dr. Strange?" I ask after turning back around to face her.

"I'd love for you to go, so yeah, you'll be invited." She confirms and my stomach flutters at the thought that she sees us still together at that point. I mean I want to think we will be together for a long time, but I'd be lying if I don't have times where I think something will screw this up. Knowing she believes we will be together then makes me believe we will be too.

"As your date?" I ask.

"If you want to be my date yeah." She confirms. I smile and blush turning back to the bathroom to get changed. The smile on my face doesn't want to leave. Planning into the future always gets me giddy and the fact that she is doing that makes me feel so great and like I want to start thinking about future plans together too. I'm hesitant to do so because of past heartbreaks, but thinking about a long future with Lizzie makes me incredibly happy. When I walk out Lizzie is sitting on the couch looking through her shopping bags. "I got you something to wear tonight. It's kind of a fancy place so I got you another pantsuit situation." She lets me know.

"Thanks, babe, but I'm going to pay you back for that." Lizzie just nods with a fake smile on her face. I give her an 'I mean it' look and she rolls her eyes.

"Have fun at the gym!" She replies, getting up to plant a kiss on my lips and shoo me out the door playfully. The gym was good, and when I get back I'm sweaty. I need a shower. I open up the door and notice Lizzie is changed into a little black dress that accentuates her curves nicely. She turns and smiles at me.

"Was the gym good?" she questions. I nod, still scanning her body in appreciation. "I can tell by how stinky you are." she teases.

"Thanks, that's so sweet of you to say." I tease back.

"I kind of like this look, sweaty and flushed, it's kind of hot." She smirks.

"Okay! Time for a shower." I turn and practically run to the bathroom to get all clean. I come out in a towel which makes Lizzie raise an eyebrow at me. "I need my clothes for dinner," I explain. She purses her lips and walks up to me slipping her arms around my back. I shift nervously since I'm practically naked. Her hands move to grope my butt as she connects our lips in a steamy kiss, her tongue invading my mouth as I let out a gasp at the butt grope. I pull away, but her lips move to kiss down the side of my neck. "As much as I am enjoying this, a lot, we have dinner plans sweetheart." She bites down on my collarbone before sucking at the skin surely leaving a mark and I let out a sigh in pleasure. She kisses across my chest to the other side and leaves another mark at the base of my neck. That little shit.

She pulls away with a smirk, "Mkay, you can get dressed now." She states handing over the garment bag. It's a simple pantsuit, black slacks with a black jacket and a white button-up. I walk out and Lizzie hands me my Oxfords and I smile appreciatively at the no heels. I sit and put them on then stand up to let Lizzie fix anything she wants. She unbuttons one button and I roll my eyes, she loves an open-top. "You look amazing."

"As do you, Miss Olsen." I compliment. I notice the lipstick on her lips and pout knowing kisses will not be happening for a while. She gives me a soft kiss anyway and wipes the little but that gets on my lips.

"Ready to go?" I nod running a hand through my hair to set it to the side. "The car is here so we can head downstairs." She continues and grabs her sweater and purse. I grab my phone and sunglasses slipping them on along with our masks for the ride over. We settle in the car and Lizzie confirms the address. She rests her hand on my thigh and snuggles up to my side, so I wrap my arm around her back, resting my hand on her hip. I look over at her and smile.

"You're stunning." I compliment.

She smiles, "Thank you, baby." I wink at her and watch the buildings pass us as we make our journey to Upper Manhattan. "We haven't danced in a while." She observes.

"You're right, we should do that more often. I love dancing with you." I let her know.

"I love dancing with you too, you're always so gentle and fun. Except when we were at the club, that was hot." She bites her lip and I blush. I kiss her cheek and we fall back into silence. I think this dinner will go well, I've met Scarlett before and she came to the club with us. It shouldn't be too stressful at all.

"Alright babe, almost there. You with me?" she asks and it makes me smile.

"I'm with you," I confirm as the car stops in front of the restaurant.
A/N Little filler chapter before dinner with Scarlett with a few cute moments. Hope you enjoy!

A New York City Dream ~ Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now