Flight & FaceTime

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Lizzie wakes me up in the morning before my alarm since she has a plane to catch. At some point, she rescheduled her meetings for Monday and Tuesday instead of this coming weekend so she has an early flight. I currently have her in a tight hug not letting her leave the bed.

"Baby, please. The faster I leave the faster I get to come back." She negotiates.

"No," I grumble and bury my face in her wild hair.

"How about you get up with me and we take a shower?" She tries.

"What time is it?" I ask.

"It's 6 am, so you have time to shower before work. But I gotta get up and shower now if I'm going to make my flight at 8:30. I'm kind of pushing it." She sighs. I let go and let her roll out of bed following her into the bathroom for a nice shower. Due to the time crunch, it's a PG shower but it was still really nice. She gets dressed, grabbing one of my hoodies to bring on the plane and it makes me smile really hard.

"Okay, the car is almost here. I'll only be gone for a couple of days and then we can have an amazing birthday weekend" She reminds me and I nod wrapping my arms around her waist. She wraps her arms around my neck to give me a tight hug before pulling away to look into my slightly sad eyes. I know she's coming back, but I also know I'm going to miss her way too much. Maybe this will be a good warm-up for when we have to spend long periods apart.

"I love you, so much, but I have to go." She whispers, her eyes slightly worried.

"I love you too, have fun and be safe. Facetime later?" I request and she nods, sealing our deal with a kiss. I pull her back in before she escapes my hold to give her a proper kiss, teasing her a little with my tongue before smirking and letting her go. "Your car is probably here."

"Right, okay. Yup. Love you!" She throws a smile back at me before grabbing her bag and making her exit. I stare at the door for a few minutes realizing she's actually going to be gone for a few days and my mouth slowly starts to pout. My phone rings and I smile.

Me: Hello?

Lizzie: Is it bad I miss you already?

Me: No, but how gross because I miss you too.

Lizzie: We are gross aren't we?

Me: Very, but it's okay. Please be safe okay?

Lizzie: I promise I will be. I love you

I sigh in happiness at the warm raspy tone, hearing the smile in her voice.

Me: I love you too. Text me when you land.

Lizzie: Have a good day at work.

Me: Thank you, baby, bye-bye.

Lizzie: Bye babe.

We both pause. Then laugh.

Me: Okay no I'm not allowing us to argue about who's hanging up, goodbyeeeeeee.

Her giggles are the last thing I hear before I end the call. Okay, gotta get to work.

The workday is pretty normal, my co-teacher senses I'm a little glum and checks in. I tell her my updated relationship status and what's going on and she's supportive about it. My fourth-period class is the most social and asks a bunch of questions. One of my students sends a link to an article with pictures from outside the club and says "This you?" I just laugh in response and say no comment. Which prompts the whole class to try and figure out the mystery and if it was actually me.

A New York City Dream ~ Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now