Secrets & Escapes

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Beth finished her food slightly before me, going on about how great it was. All I could do is nod and hum in agreement since I was still shoveling the food into my mouth. She giggles at my struggle to respond to her.

"I guess I'm a quick eater." She states with a small smile.

I finally swallow my last bite savoring it. Even though I get this every time it's still is so good.

"No, I'm just savoring this deliciousness" I wipe my mouth and take the last swig of my drink. "Did you enjoy it?" I ask as the plates are taken from our table and a dessert menu is placed down.

"It was delicious. Dessert?" She swipes the menu from me and takes a look at what they have.

"Anything you'd like, I'll probably just steal a bite, I'm stuffed" I reply.

As Lorenzo walks back over she looks up at him and orders a piece of cheesecake. She turns her attention back to be, catching my gaze on her. "What?" She asks.

"Nothing, well uh. Not nothing I guess. It's just. I get this familiar feeling about you, I don't know how to describe it. It just feels so easy to talk to you, to share things I wouldn't usually share with someone I met less than 24 hours ago. But you make me feel comfortable. I just appreciate that I guess." I ramble, shifting my attention to my napkin on my lap, playing with the corner of it.

"I feel the same, Princess. There's just something about you that makes me feel comfortable too." She grins at my flustered state. We sit in comfortable silence for a while, just people watching. It's nice. Her cheesecake comes and before she takes a bite she hands me an extra fork. "For your couple of bites madam." I smile in response, take the fork, and take a little piece. We periodically take bites, taking our time before she pauses.

As she looks up from her plate she asks, "If you could say anything to Wanda, if she was a real person, what would you say?" Her attention stays on me as I lean forward on my elbows thinking.

"I guess I would ask her how she's doing. What makes her happy, if I could do anything to comfort her. It's hard because she's fictional. It would be easier to come up with something for an actual person. Like for instance, I may have a tiny crush on the actress that plays her," "Elizabeth Olsen" Beth cuts me off. I find it weird since she's never done that before. I nod then continue, "Yeah Elizabeth Olsen. She's amazing. If I were to ever meet her I'd probably internally freak out. Then say something stupid. But what I'd really like to know is what makes her happy. People want pictures or autographs or whatever it is, but with people I admire I just want to have a normal conversation. Celebrities are people, they should be treated as such." I finish my ramble.

"I think celebrities would appreciate that." She replies.

"I would like to think so. It's a nice thought, but in reality, I'd probably freeze and look like an absolute weirdo. I've met some celebrities before while in college and I was always so nervous and started to ramble" I explain

She smirks, "Like right now?"

I roll my eyes. "Maybe. But yeah I don't know. If I ever met Elizabeth I'd probably die." I sigh. "Sorry, that's dramatic." I laugh uncomfortably.

Beth pauses like she's contemplating something. "Y/N, can I trust you?" She softly questions.

I look up at her sunglasses, stupid sunglasses. "Of course." I give her a reassuring smile. She sighs and whispers something to herself before slowly pushing her sunglasses on the top of her head. My face slowly falls and my jaw drops. What the actual fu-

"Hi" she states softly. The breath in her voice shows her anxiousness about the situation. She watches me try to process what is going on. I've been talking to Elizabeth Olsen about how much I love her without even realizing it. I'm an absolute idiot. I start to connect the dots. The Russian, the sisters in New York, the accents, the hobbies all line up.

I squeak out a shy "Um hi."

She gives me a half-smile, "I know this is probably a weird situation. I never planned to actually tell you who I was, but then you started rambling about marvel and then I felt bad and I just. I really like talking to you, and I hope this doesn't change how you see me at all." She pushes out quickly.

My body and mind finally calm down at hearing her anxiety, alright Y/N, we can play this cool. "Elizabeth fucking Olsen, I would never think any different of you. You were honest, I was just too dumb to realize. Thank you, for trusting me. I love talking to you too and you being some talented celebrity doesn't change anything." I finish. I take comfort in the eye contact I've wanted since meeting her and give her a small smile.

She smiles back and says "I'm impressed, I thought you would have had a meltdown by now by the way you were talking." I scoff at the teasing tone.

"Listen Elizabeth, I am capable of keeping my chill. In truth, I'm still processing." I reply

She scrunches her nose, "You can call me Lizzie you know? Elizabeth sounds so formal."

"Oh my god, you literally said your name was Beth," I remember laughing. She joins in leaning back in her chair.

"Yeah, how did you not figure this out sooner? I mean I'm not even wearing a disguise?"

"Honestly, I have no clue. But, it's nice to meet you, Lizzie." I hold my hand out and she looks at it. She takes it slowly and shakes it.

"It's nice to meet you too Y/N" She takes her hand back and holds my eye contact.

"Alright no offense, but you need to put those sunglasses back on those eyes are way too intense."

"Okay rude! What's wrong with my eyes?" Her playful tone returns and makes me grin.

"Absolutely nothing, they are intimidating though. Very green, very pretty." I internally roll my eyes at my inability to complete a coherent sentence.

"Well get used to it, its getting dark, not a time for sunglasses." She crosses her arms and looks around our area. She shifts again playing with her fingers deep in thought. She seems anxious, which makes sense. These past ten minutes have been revealing. She chose to trust me with her identity and I'm honored, the least I can do is make her feel comfortable.

"Lizzie, would you like to go for a walk?" I ask. She looks back up into my eyes and I have to hold in a small gasp. Those eyes.

"I'd love to. It's getting crowded and I really don't like crowds." I remember her social anxiety and history of panic attacks, yeah let's get her out of here. I slowly stand and push my chair in.

"Wait here, I'll get the bill then we can go." She goes to argue, "Don't even, I'll be right back." She slumps back into her chair as I walk away.

"Thanks for the lovely food, Lorenzo," I tell our waiter.

"Anytime Miss, lovely date you have today?" I blush and shake my head choosing not to elaborate.

I walk back to the table, Lizzie has packed away her sunglasses and pulled on a light sweater.

"Ready?" I say as I put on my army jacket and hold out my hand to help her out of her chair. She simply nods and follows me out of the outside dining area and down Mulberry Street. We walk side by side through the crowds of people. I set my hand on the small of her back a couple of times to help guide her through some rowdier groups. We breakthrough and head to the destination I had in mind where there shouldn't be as many people. As we get closer to city hall, I feel a hand grip my forearm of the arm that's tucked into my jacket pocket and smile softly. I look down at her and she's looking at an incoming group of people. "Don't worry, I got you" I whisper in her direction, "Protect at all costs remember?" I grin as she turns to look at me. The small grin she gives me melts my heart. We both look ahead as I lead her to the Brooklyn Bridge.

"Let's just escape the city for a little while yeah?" I ask.

"That sounds perfect, princess" She replies, and we continue on our path onto the bridge. I could get used to this.

A/N This is really fun. Trying to come up with a storyline that's fun but also kind of realistic but not at the same time. I hope whoever stumbles across this enjoys it. :)

(Edited 5/19)

A New York City Dream ~ Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now