Mom & Little Italy

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So, I did end up surviving the night. How? I'm not sure. Because my girlfriend is a goddess and I am not worthy. I wake up with Lizzie in my arms as the little spoon and I snuggle into her hair trying to fall back to sleep. I realize I woke up because my phone is ringing, oh shit.

Me: Hello? I croak out, my voice spent.

Mom: Hey Sweetie! My plane landed so I'm about 30 minutes away, jumping in a cab now.

Me: Oh wow, what time is it?

Mom: It's 1 pm, sweetie.

Me: Oh shit.

Mom: Language!

Me: Sorry, uh, Lizzie and I were up late, uh watching movies so we slept in. We will be ready for you though! Excited to see you.

Mom: Excited to see you too! Happy Birthday, Y/N.

Me: Thanks mom, see you soon.

I end the call and kiss Lizzie's shoulders, slightly rocking her to wake her up. I get a grumble and smile at her adorable grumpy face.

"Wake up, my love. My mom will be here in 30 minutes." I inform her. Her head shoots to look at me in confusion.

"What the fuck? What time is it?"

"1 pm. We should probably take a shower, change my sheets and light a candle before she gets here." I suggest.

"Good plan let's go." She hops up to start the shower and I strip my sheets. I make sure the kitchen is clean before joining Lizzie in the shower as she's washing off some soap. She hops out so I can shower and by the time I'm done she has the bed made and a candle burning. It smells and looks great so we are ready for my mom. I get dressed quickly and smile at Lizzie slipping on one of my hoodies. Just as I get my pants on a screech fills my apartment. I buzz my mom in and zip up my pants. I notice Lizzie is sat on the couch but has a worried look on her face. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"What if she hates me?"

"She's incapable of hating you, babe. She's going to love you. Just be your cute self and it will be fine okay?" I assure her and walk over to the door to let my mom in. I peek at Lizzie and she seems to be giving herself a pep talk before nodding and turning to me with a smile. I open the door and let my mom in.

"Hi, mom!"

"Hi, sweetie! Happy Birthday!" She brings me into a hug and I smile.

"Thank you, this is Lizzie, my girlfriend." I introduce them once she pulls away and Lizzie offers her hand.

"I'm a hugger, get over here!" My mom explains and pulls Lizzie into a hug too.

"It's so nice to meet you Mrs. Y/LN" Lizzie greets.

"Oh sweetie just call me Y/MN (Your mom's name)" She demands and looks around the apartment. "It looks so much better than the last time I came." She notes.

"Well, I have more decorations now," I explain and wrap an arm around Lizzie's waist. She looks up at me giving a big smile.

"Okay you two, you have to tell me everything!" My mom demands pulling us to sit on the couch with her after she drops her bag on the floor. We tell her how we met, the adventures we've been on, our first kiss on the roof, and how Lizzie asked me to be her girlfriend. "Central Park is her favorite place, and isn't that the bridge where you want to propose eventually?" she asks. I nod and continue our stories. Lizzie butts in here and there with her side and the smile on my mom's face tells me she's just as smitten with Lizzie as I am. We leave out the more personal parts of course. "Wow, what a story. So, have you two thought more about what happens when Lizzie has to film?"

A New York City Dream ~ Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now