Tattoos & Chaos

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I get up the next morning hating that I'm alone in bed and my mood continues to be sour all morning. Lizzie's good morning text was cute, but it reminded me that she's not here. Work was fine and since I finished everything for the end of the school year yesterday in my boredom, I have nothing to do. I start cleaning my apartment to keep myself busy until my phone rings. I practically trip over myself to pick it up and answer.

Me: Hi babe!

Lizzie: Hey baby, what are you up to?

Me: Cleaning. What are you doing?

Lizzie: Just got out of my meeting. I uh. I have good news and I have bad news.

Me: Well that's not scary at all. Sarcasm bleeds through my sentence.

Lizzie: The good news is that Marvel wants to pitch something to me, the bad news is that they can't meet with me until tomorrow.

Me: So you have to stay longer.

Lizzie: Unfortunately. But, right after the meeting, I'm catching a plane home.

Me: I forgive you only because you called New York home.

Lizzie: I meant you, babe.

Me: Keep the flattery coming Elizabeth.

Lizzie: You look beautiful today

Me: Thank you, liar. I literally have dirt on my face from dusting my ceilings.

Lizzie: Why are you dusting your ceilings?

Me: I'm fucking bored.

Lizzie: Well I have more good news, I have a surprise for you. Buzz in your guest.

Me: What guest?

Lizzie: Just buzz them in!

I walk over to my buzzer and press the button to let in whoever is downstairs and wait.

Me: I'm heavily confused.

Lizzie: You'll love it.

I hear the knock at my door and walk over opening it up.

Me: You told Scarlett my address? How do I know she's not a serial killer?

"I'm right here you know. Can I come in or should I leave?" She teases. I motion for her to come in and lock the door behind her.

Lizzie: I thought it would be fun for you to have a movie night slumber party since I won't be home tonight.

Me: You're sweet babe thank you. I really like my surprise. And she brought whiskey so I gotta go.

Lizzie: Make good choices! Love you.

Me: Probably won't! Love you too.

I end the call and Scarlett and I share a couple of smirks.

"Why did she think this was a good idea?" I ask

"No idea." She responds.

"I kind of want to do something spontaneous, like get a tattoo or something," I respond walking into my bedroom. "Make yourself at home. You can eat and drink anything although my refrigerator is full of healthy shit I don't know the name of." I explain. She follows into my bedroom settling into my desk chair.

"Let's do it" she suggests

"Do what?" I respond confused.

"Get tattoos." I quirk an eyebrow at her suggestion.

A New York City Dream ~ Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now