Love & Roof Fun

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After our bath, I feel a little better and relaxed, but don't want to leave her side. We dry off and get into the warm clothes. I watch as Lizzie gets a few blankets and packs them in a bag as I put some socks on.

"What are you doing?" I ask softly.

"We are going up to the roof to look at the stars." She informs me. I nod in acceptance and grasp her outstretched hand. She locks my apartment and pulls me up a few flights of stairs to the roof. I help her spread out the blankets adding some cushion for us and lay down with her. She rests her head on my shoulder and I play with her hair.

"I've been trying to tell you something all day." She admits into the night sky.

"Oh? Is it bad?" I ask, not quite ready to hear any more stressful news.

"No baby, I don't think so." She explains. I wait for her to tell me but she doesn't continue.

"Do you want to tell me now?" I ask.

"I don't know," she whispers out. I bite my lip worried I did something wrong.

"Oh, uh, it's okay. Whenever you're ready." I assure her. We stay in silence for a few minutes, and I can practically feel the gears turning in her brain.

"The last time we were up here we kissed for the first time. And we told each other that we thought we had feelings for each other." she reminds me and I hum in response.

"That was one of the most special nights I've ever had. In fact, a lot of our nights together have been really special. And the more I get to know you and spend time with you, the more those potential feelings turn into deep meaningful feelings for you." She continues.

"I feel the same, they grow every day, Angel," I assure her, making sure she knows she isn't alone in this. She sits up and turns to face me, wanting to look into my eyes.

"Y/N, this thing, that I want to tell you, it might complicate things further, but with the number of times I've almost let it slip today, I don't think I can't keep it in any longer." She rushes out, her eyes worried and searching mine. I sit up, wanting to be closer to her.

"It's okay, babe. You can tell me, whatever it is." I encourage her.

She searches my eyes for a few beats before taking a deep breath and admitting, "I love you, Y/N. I adore you and I just. I fucking love you and it's crazy and fast and I'm still trying to process it. But I love you. So much." She rambles out. My jaw drops in surprise and I freeze, my body malfunctioning. I watch as she slowly deflates and starts to get up, mirroring my actions from our first night up here. I stop her before she can get up and her eyes snap back to mine.

"God Elizabeth, I love you too, so fucking much." I pull her closer to me by her neck connecting our lips in a passionate kiss. She crawls into my lap straddling my thighs and settling in as close as she can. The soft hums of pleasure fill the city sounds around us as our lips dance together. I taste something salty and pull away slowly noticing tears running down her face and I look up at her worried.

"Baby, I didn't need a reminder of the salty anchovies I could taste during our first kiss," I tease softly, wiping away the tears pouring out of her eyes without her permission. She laughs and it's watery but the smile is genuine and I realize the tears are happy tears. She rests her forehead on mine keeping me close.

"You mean it? You love me?" She questions. I nod softly.

"Of course I love you, I've loved you since I sang Simply the best for you," I admit.

"After clubbing?" She clarifies. I nod again.

"Baby that was over a week ago" she whispers into my mouth.

"Your point?" I peck her lips.

"I didn't even know if you felt the same, I was terrified of your reaction. How the fuck have you hidden that from me for so long?" She wonders.

"I was scared it was too soon, and that you didn't feel the same. I almost said it like 5 times today." I giggle.

"Holy shit." She breathes out and I smile, pecking her lips again. "I dug you up from the earth and fell in love with you" she references the song I played for her earlier and I smile.

"Let's just kiss like real people do?" I question with a goofy grin. She nods a couple of times, a smile stretching across her face before she falls into me connecting our lips. I lay down on the blanket and continue our sweet kisses. It quickly turns into an intense make-out session and her hands find their way under my shirt to rest on my stomach, She pulls away and I kiss along her jawline.

"I'll go tomorrow, so I'll be back before Friday," she whispers in the space between us and I hum in response finding my way back to her lips.

"We'll take your mom out for a nice dinner to celebrate your birthday" She continues and I nod trailing kisses down her throat.

"Mhmm, and maybe some birthday sex Thursday night? Before your mom comes?" she suggests. I bite the base of her throat in acceptance.

"How about sex right now?" I whisper against the skin of her neck noticing the fading hickeys from the other night.

"That sounds really nice." She agrees and my hands travel down to her sweatpants pulling at the elastic band. "But not on the roof." She teases and I groan. I twist my hips rolling us over.

***** Official Smut warning, skip to the next chapter if you do not want to read*****

"How about, on the roof?" I suggest like she didn't just deny it and she giggles into my mouth as I straddle her thigh. I put pressure on her center causing her giggles to mold into moans. I suck on her earlobe shifting my hips against her and whisper, "I love you" into her ear. The low moan that bubbles from deep in her throat makes me smirk and her hands that were grasped onto my sweatshirt find their way into my hair pulling my lips to hers, the soft rocking of my hips continues as she kisses me hard taking my breath away.

"I love you too" She whispers into my mouth between our passionate kisses. I grab her thigh that's not between my legs and tug at it, settling her leg around my hips that are still rocking against hers in a sensual rhythm. "Mm, baby?" She hums keeping in a moan. I hum in response, latching my lips into the side of her neck. "This will be so much more fun on a comfy bed." She comments and I smile thrusting a little more aggressively. "Or right here, right here is good too." she squeaks out. Our teenage dry-humping make-out session continues for a while until she moans out my name into the city air and I smirk down at her.

"What the fuck." She says, a hand resting on her sweaty forehead. "Did I seriously just?"

I nod and peck her lips quickly before jumping up. I help her up and pack away the blankets.

"Come on babe, let's go to bed." I wink and she bites her lip nodding following me back down the stairs to my apartment. This is going to be a long night and I don't even care that I have work in the morning.
A/N I'm half asleep and should be sleeping so if there are mistakes I will have to fix them tomorrow. But I hope you enjoy!!!

A New York City Dream ~ Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now