Boats & Bikes

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We are finally ready and are headed to the subway to get to Lower Manhattan. Thankfully, we don't have to switch trains and we get to sit. We each have an AirPod in our ears, listening to The 1975, one of my hands clasped between her own on her lap. We sit in silence, observing the people around us and occasionally making goofy faces at each other. She's wearing some cute jean shorts and a roomy t-shirt with her sunglasses on her face. I reach over and tuck some hair behind her ear.

"Your hair is brown, well caramel," I state the obvious.

"It is." She agrees.

"What is your favorite color to dye your hair? You dye it a lot." I ask then comment, genuinely curious.

"I don't know, I like to switch it up. Plus, Sorry for your Loss is the next thing I'm doing and Leigh has brown hair." She explains. I hum in response accepting her answer. We fall back into silence but I notice we are almost at our stop. I stand up and pull her up with me, moving over to the doors. We head out of the station and I guide her to the ferry station, present our tickets and get in line. I notice a child with a Captain America T-shirt on who keeps taking a peek at Lizzie. How do kids spot people so easily? I nudge Lizzie and nod over to the boy, she catches him peeking at her and smiles softly at him, waving a little. He hides behind his mom's legs. I laugh and the boy doesn't peek again, seeming to be too shy.

We make our way onto the boat, not many people on board. That's what I love about the Island, it's not ever busy and even when there are a bunch of people, everyone spreads out and you could go an hour or more without noticing someone else. I pull Lizzie up to the top deck and find a spot in the front of the boat. She holds onto the railing and I stand behind her grasping the railing on either side of her hands. She leans back into me and leans the side of her face on mine once I lower my head to her shoulder. I plant a kiss on her temple and we watch as the Island comes closer and closer to us. It's a quick ride and in no time we are walking off the boat. I lead Lizzie to the bike shop, knowing my way around through the old military housing and past the circular fort. She takes in her surroundings commenting on how peaceful it is.

We get to the bike rentals and she pays before I can even get my cash out, that little shit.

"Hey! This was my date I planned." I protest.

"Well I'm the one executing it, so deal with it." She shuts my complaint down. I roll my eyes playfully and we grab our bikes. I stuff my backpack into the basket and turn to see Lizzie sitting on her bike, waiting for me. She looks adorable, so I take my phone out and snap a picture. She doesn't notice since her focus is on figuring out where she wants to go. I pull up next to her and motion for her to follow me. We bike around the perimeter of the Island side by side and take in the nice breeze. Eventually, I lead her towards the rocky hill that has a lookout point and park our bikes at the base of it. I reach my hand towards her and she doesn't hesitate to clasp her fingers between mine letting me guide her up the rocks that are set up to be steps up the hill.

"There's an amazing view at the top. Thought we could have our picnic up here." I suggest.

"Sounds amazing" she replies. We get to the top and I bring her to the highest point showing her the view of the Statue of Liberty. Staten Island Ferries go back and forth in front of us and the wide smile on her face makes my stomach flutter.

"Come on, I'm starving." I lead her down the slope and pick a spot, laying down a blanket and kicking off our shoes to use as anchors on each corner. We settle in next to each other and eat our sandwiches, basking in the peaceful sounds of water and birds around us. The lack of city sounds is always a great escape. Once we are done eating, I lay down looking up at the sky and slip my sunglasses onto my face. She lays down beside me and we watch the clouds float across the sky in peace.

"So, can I meet Scarlett?" I ask out of nowhere. She laughs at the random request.

"I mean eventually, yeah. Why? Do you have a crush on her too?" She teases.

"Uh duh?? She's THE Black Widow. An absolute badass and so attractive." I explain. She smirks and accepts my response. She shifts her position to lay diagonally, resting her head on my stomach. I reach down and play with her hair enjoying the simplicity we found ourselves in. She sits up to take one of my books out of my bag and starts reading it once she rests back on my stomach. She starts reading out loud before I can even ask her too and it makes me smile. She finishes it and sets it down, sitting back up and turning to face me. I tilt my head to look at her and she smiles, scrunching her nose.

I smile back, "What's that cute face for?" I ask her.

She shrugs, "Just happy, I guess."

"Well, I'm happy that you're happy, beautiful." She bites her lip at the term of endearment. She shifts, swinging her leg over my body, straddling my hips. I quirk an eyebrow at her and rest my hands on the outside of her thighs. "What do you think you're doing?" I ask.

"Trying to kiss you, so shut up." She replies, gathering her hair to the side and leaning down to connect her lips to mine. Her hands rest on my cheeks, kissing me softly, but passionately, which catches me by surprise. I return her kiss, matching her want. I slide my hands up her thighs grabbing and squeezing her hips which makes her gasp into my mouth, her lips parting. I invade her mouth with my tongue, testing out the waters, and the small hum she lets out lets me know she's enjoying it. I slide one hand to her lower back, pulling her closer to me and her hips shift slightly in response. Hot. I slip my middle finger through her belt loop, keeping her close as her chest slowly settles on mine as her body relaxes.

She rests on her elbows, grasping at my jaw or running her hands through my hair which makes me hum in approval. That shit feels good. She pulls away but stays close trailing hot, open-mouthed kisses across my jawline, her hand turns my face to the side so she can kiss down my neck, holy shit. I slip the hand that was grasping her hip to set on her butt, lightly grasping onto her which makes her hips move again and it feels way too good. A soft gasp leaves her mouth between two kisses on my collarbone. I wrap my arms around her back and twist my hips rolling her over sliding one leg between hers. She gasps in surprise and I smirk before connecting our lips in an eager kiss. I hold onto her cheek with a firm grasp taking control, slowing down but keeping my kisses intense. Her hands slide to my hips pulling me closer and I slide my hand down her side to her hip pushing against it and pushing away from her a bit, disconnecting our lips. She pouts up at me and I almost give in but smirk instead.

"We are in public you know." I tease.

"I don't fucking care." She replies seriously, pulling at my hips causing my thigh to put more pressure onto her body. She hums in approval and I notice her flushed cheeks. She's so damn beautiful.

I lean down, softly brushing my thumb across her defined cheekbone, and give her a soft kiss that she tries to deepen. She fails, seeing as I am in full control of the situation, and just pull away when she tries to pull me in deeper. She huffs when I don't open my mouth after she licks across my bottom lip, so she bits down latching onto my bottom lip in retaliation. I smirk and give in slightly, letting her deepen the kiss but still controlling the pace, which continues to frustrate her. I pull away, "Someone is a little frustrated." I tease.

"You are the worst." She replies, huffing and laying back on the ground after trying to follow my lips. Her bottom lip was slightly swollen and jutted out in protest.

"Listen, babe, I would love to continue this lovely make-out session, but there are other people on this island. Later, okay?" She perks up at that and nods agreeing. I smile at her eagerness which makes my chest fill with happiness that she's enjoying this with me so much. I roll off of her but pull her close into a cuddle. She snuggles her face into my neck and periodically places sweet kisses on the side of it. This is literal heaven.
A/N Cute little date and some intense kissing for Lizzie and Y/N, hope you enjoy! I've never written anything like this so sorry if it's weird.

Edited 5/24

A New York City Dream ~ Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now