Teasing & Selfies

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We continue to eat in comfortable silence and I finally calm down a little. I finish my sandwich last while the sisters talk over random things. I'm not listening, taking in my surroundings instead. I notice someone is sitting on my bench and I frown. That's my bench.

"Y/N?" Lizzie gets my attention.

"Yeah, Angel?" I reply not thinking about the pet name. It was just normal for us. I hear her sisters snicker to each other but ignore it, giving Lizzie my full attention. She reaches her hand over and pushes between my eyebrows softly. My face relaxes and I smile in thanks.

"You don't own that bench you know?" She teases. I roll my eyes. I notice she has a little fuzz on her cheek and reach forward to brush it off. We exchange a smile and I turn my attention back to the twins.

"So, how was your lunch?" I ask, wanting to get to know them more. They are already smiling at me, for what I'm not sure, but they nod in approval.

"It was yummy, thanks, girls. So Y/N, what do you do for fun?" I tilt my head in thought at Mary-Kate's question.

"Well, I really like music so anything to do with music is fun to me," I state simply, my shyness coming back. I get awkward when the attention is on me.

Lizzie buts in, "She plays guitar, drum set, piano, and ukulele." She offers more information, shooting me a small smile.

"Oh wow that's awesome" Ashley answers, "What else?" I smile at how similar the sisters are, all very curious.

"Uh, well I minored in dance, so I like dancing. Tap dance is my favorite. I took a class where we went around New York City and created pieces out in the world, it was weird but also really fun." I ramble a little bit.

"Lizzie mentioned that you like to dance, you force her to dance all the time?" Mary-Kate questions with a smirk. I blush, so Lizzie told them about that.

"Oh yeah, it's fun, and I enjoy annoying her" I grin cheekily at Lizzie. She smiles softly.

"Well, we should go clubbing sometime. So you can show us your moves." I smile and nod.

"That sounds really fun. I've never been clubbing before." I reply. I'm surprised they want to make plans with me, but just go along with it.

"Oh right, you're like 22? You must have been a good student if you've never been clubbing before. Lizzie was wild in college." Ashley smirks over at her sister.

"Okay, she didn't need to know that." Lizzie rolls her eyes. I grin over at her.

"Yeah, I wasn't much of a partier. I was a nerd. I mean I ended up being a teacher so school is basically my life. I just think learning is really fun and that you can learn from any experience. All experiences are learning experiences." I stop myself from going on and on about it, that's not an interesting conversation. I smile awkwardly at their gazes settled on me.

"I like that, I've never thought about it but that's so true," Ashley says, and the other two sisters nod in agreement. "Pass over your phone." She continues. And I hand it over without question. She types something out then hands it over to her twin who then passes it back. I look over to Lizzie in confusion and she just shrugs. I clean up our area a little bit, putting napkins in a plastic bag to make sure the blanket is clean and comfy. They hand me back my phone and I notice a group chat open. It's called "Olsen sisters plus Y/N" and I smile. Okay, lit. "So we can plan our night out," Ashley winks. I blush and look down at my lap trying to hide how flustered I am.

"So Y/N," Mary-Kate starts with a mischievous grin, "Are you single?" she asks. Lizzie perks up a bit, leaning forward to swat her sister's arm.

"Leave her alone! God, you are so invasive." Lizzie's frustration makes me laugh.

A New York City Dream ~ Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now