Week 2: Transitions & Movie Night

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The rest of the last week involved going through all my shit and either packing it up or donating it to the Salvation Army across the street. I actually needed to get rid of some of my stuff so this is great. Lizzie packed up the stuff she has bought in her stay as well and does the kitchen for me, picking and choosing what we need at the new apartment. I end up not having too much stuff after going through everything so now we are cleaning up the apartment for the next tenant. I already paid for the last months rent and I am getting back my security deposit thank the lord.

We decide to bring my bed to the new apartment too since its a queen and we both love how comfy it is. We bought a new bed spread though which I was in dire need of anyway. Everything seems to be working out and I keep having to remind myself that my life is changing and it's not all a dream. We get all my stuff to the new apartment before the 2nd week of my countdown starts and unpack easily as well. The way we work together as a team helps the freakouts when I realize what the fuck is happening to a minimum. We are all settled in by Wednesday and we are currently sat on the couch taking in the filled apartment.

"We continue to prove time works differently for us, Princess." She comments and I nod in agreement.

"We really do a months work of stuff in less than a week. If we measure our time together that way then we would be together for what, 9 months?

"It's been 9 weeks?" She asks surprised.

"Yup, we met on the 28th of May, Memorial Day weekend. We were in NYC for about 5 weeks, then we spent a little over 2 weeks in London. We've had about 2 weeks back here. We have about 4 weeks more before you leave. You leave on August 27th right?" I do the math in my head. (A/N Just so we are all on the same timeline lol)

"Yeah, wow. Time really has flown by." She agrees. "But, when do we count how long we've been together?"

"From when we kissed or when you asked officially to be my girlfriend?" I inquire.

"Hmmm, how about our first kiss, I considered you mine from that moment on." I blush and give her a kiss before responding.

"Well that was, about 8 weeks ago?" I smile thinking about my roof and the memories there. We should probably visit again before I officially move out and return my keys.

"We kissed after a week of knowing each other?" She confirms and I hum in agreement.

"It was after our picnic with your sisters." I confirm. She hums in acceptance before sitting up and looking back into my eyes.

"Let's have a movie night. We can invite Scarlett." She suggests.

"That's a great idea, Soho is a great place to get tattoos." I tease and she swats my stomach before reaching for her phone to text Scarlett. I let my eyes sweep around the space for the thousandth time and smile. This is ours.

"Scarlett said she will be here in an hour. How do you feel about giving her the third set of keys for emergencies? Since she lives here, if anything were to happen while I'm away I'd feel comfortable with her being able to check on you." She explains her thought process.

"I'm down, you're just asking for some chaos though." I remind her and she rolls her eyes. We get some snacks ready and I run out to get some sodas and alcohol. When I get back Scarlett is getting out of a car and I smirk.

"OH MY GOD, IS THAT SCARLETT JOHANSSON?!" I scream and she shushes me pushing me into the building.

"Do you want your address to leak you idiot?" She scolds me

"There was a paparazzi here when we signed the papers so pretty sure it's already out." I shrug and she pushes me into the elevator. "Okay pushy, be nice. You branded me you have to be nice to me know." I smirk

A New York City Dream ~ Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now