Gym & Jim

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The rest of the week goes similar to the first day minus the adventures. I work, Lizzie goes out to do something, she reads my poetry books, makes food and I do the dishes. We are comfortable with each other more and more each day and I remind my heart to not feel feelings for her, it's never going to happen. That doesn't mean our playfulness and random physical contact don't keep happening. We talked a little bit about Robbie and how she should probably check in with her sisters, so she's going to visit them tonight, which means I can go to the gym. I usually go every day but with Lizzie here I didn't want to.

"Alright, my Uber will be here in a few minutes." I hum in response as she lingers in the doorway of my bedroom. I'm watching The Office currently and I smile as Jim makes eye contact with the camera. I notice she's still lingering and shift my attention.

"What's up, Angel?" I ask when I realize she seems nervous.

"I'm kind of anxious about how tonight is going to go, with the questions about Robbie and now having to explain where the hell I've been all week. I don't know what to tell them." I hum in thought. I slowly get up from my bed that now smells like her.

"Well, you can choose what to tell them. If you don't want to talk about it then just say so. If you want to tell them about me I'm fine with it, but I'm also fine with being your dirty little secret" I say trying to get a smile out of her. Her face breaks into a small grin but she frowns up at me. I push between her eyebrows and continue, "Stop that, it will be fine. You only need to tell them what you want to. If it doesn't go well you know you can come back here. I think you'll enjoy being back with your family though." My eyes shift between her beautiful green irises. At some point, I started rubbing my hands up and down her upper arms and realize as I stop talking. I cross my arms over my chest to hopefully stop touching her. She hasn't expressed any discomfort but, I know it can be annoying sometimes.

She sighs, "I can just say no. I mean they are the ones that told me that so they will respect it." She nods in determination as her phone buzzes. "That's my ride. I'll see you tomorrow?" I nod. She rises onto her tippy toes slightly to wrap her arms around my neck and I squeeze around her waist. I plant a soft kiss on her hairline before she pulls away. I blush a little after realizing what I did.

"Have fun, and let me know if you need anything." She smiles sweetly at me in response and makes her way out of my apartment. I sigh and realize this is the first time in like 4 or 5 days I'd be sleeping in my bed. I get ready for the gym and start my walk there. I do some cardio and decide to focus on arms and core today. My thoughts are full of the beautiful green-eyed actress and I don't realize how sweaty I am since I'm lost in thought. My phone buzzes and Siri reads out the message in my AirPods.

Angel says: It's going well so far, hope you are having fun without me kissy face.

I choke on my Gatorade and take my phone out checking to see if she actually sent a kissy face once I swallow like a normal person. She did, oh my god. I put my phone back and wipe the sweat off my forehead. Time for a shower. I head home and take a shower then get ready for bed. I continue my binge-watch of The Office and think about how I'm kind of like Jim right now. Deep feelings for a girl out of our reach. I've been trying to bury them deep, but they rise to the surface every time she laughs or crinkles her nose. I sigh and turn on a movie to settle in for bed. I check my phone and don't see any messages so it must of went well. My heart drops slightly, maybe that means she will go back with her sisters and leave me. I sigh, it's not like she could stay here forever anyway. Here I go again getting painfully attached. I cuddle into one of my pillows and notice it smells like her perfume. Ugh goddammit. I somehow manage to fall into a light sleep, thankfully, since I have work in the morning.

A New York City Dream ~ Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now