Laundry & Insecurities

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I end up sorting out the dirty laundry taking up a good portion of my room so we can get Lizzie some clean clothes. I put the clothes in my laundry bag, make sure I have coins, and put my shoes on to leave while Lizzie is continuously tapping away on her computer.

"I'm going to go get the laundry done, are you good here?" I ask.

"Hm? Oh yeah, I'm good. I have to get some work done but I can come if you want?" She suggests.

"No, you finish up, I won't be long," I assure her and lean forward to plant a kiss on the crown of her head. I turn to head out but a hand on my wrist stops me.

"I require I proper kiss for passage." She teases, puckering her lips at me. My mouth stretches into a half-smile at how adorable she is and give her a couple of pecks before she releases my wrist. "You may go now."

"See you a little later babe, and don't make dinner, I'm doing that tonight." She hums in response, probably not hearing me since she's focused back on her computer. I head out and get the laundry started at the spot around the corner. A wash isn't that long and in no time I switch over some clothes to the dryer. I leave out more delicate clothes to head home and hang up.

When I enter my apartment about 30 minutes from when I left, Lizzie's voice calls out, "That was quick," She comments as she pulls one of my shirts over her head. I bite my lip at the peek of her stomach I got.

"Just coming to hang up some stuff, I don't like drying all my stuff," I explain. She nods in acceptance walking up to me. Her arms wrap around my neck and she gives me a sweet kiss before letting me go to hang up the clothing. She helps me out and we get everything hung up. I head back out to get the dried clothes and I'm back home by the time dinner should be getting started. Lizzie offers to fold everything and put it away and it makes me smile at how domestic this all is. I get started on some pasta since that's at my skill level. Lizzie puts on one of my The 1975 records and comes up behind me, wrapping her arms around my hips and kissing my clothed back between my shoulders.

"What ya making?" She inquires, swaying slightly to the music even though the song is upbeat.

"Some pasta, it's about the only thing I can make without burning the building down" I explain. "I feel bad for my mood earlier so I wanted to cover dinner."

"You don't need to apologize, everyone has those days." She assures me. "Dance with me?"

Her request makes me smile, "Oh how the tables have turned, Miss Olsen." I tease.

"Shut up and dance with me." She demands softly. I turn down the heat a little and turn around giving in just as Heart Out starts playing. I can already tell she's in a playful mood by the grin and mischievous look in her eyes. She grabs my hands and tries to get me moving around. "Come onnnnnnn" She whines. I give in pulling her close to me, twirling her around making her giggle. She spins into me, her back up against my chest and I grab onto her hips pulling them into mine rocking back in forth in a playful manner, and slide my hands across her stomach keeping her close. I lean my head down to plant a few kisses on her shoulder before twisting her hips back around. I rest my forehead on hers, pulling her as close as possible by wrapping my arms around her lower back, singing the words why don't you figure my heart out into her mouth before she closes the gap and kisses me softly. I strengthen my grip on her lower back and slowly lift her off the ground and she wraps her arms around my neck. Our lips remain locked and I shift one hand to grab one of her thighs prompting her to wrap her legs around my waist. I hold onto her thighs and find my way to my bed, sitting down resulting in her straddling my lap.

She pulls away slowly, pulling my bottom lip a little bit and burying her hands in my hair. The song switches to Settle down as her lips travel down my neck.

A New York City Dream ~ Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now