City Lights & Subways

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We continue our walk onto the bridge until we get to one of the lookout points with a bench, her hand still gripped onto my forearm even with the lack of crowds. The small smile on my face hasn't left since she first curled her fingers around my arm. We sit on the bench, closer than the first time we met. As we sit her grip loosens and she crosses her arms over her chest, keeping her warmth in.

"Take a look Lizzie, the lights are starting to turn on" I bring her attention to the skyline we just escaped from. She hums at the sight. I look back at her and notice how her eyes shine in the setting sun. Wow.

"I've never actually been on this bridge before, even when I was in school here." She admits.

"I did a walk across it for a diabetes organization my sophomore year. I took a lot of pictures of the Statue of Liberty. There were a couple more times, but it always seems to be windy. We are lucky it's a calm night." I explain to her, holding eye contact. Her eyes crinkle a little with the small grin that appears on her face.

"Yeah I think we are lucky, it's not the warmest night already, wind would ruin it." She states simply.

We both break our eye contact to look at the setting sun and the water below us. The silence we find ourselves in is as comfortable as always. I like that we don't need to be talking to have a nice time.

"Tell me something not many people know about you" She states, still staring out over the water.

"Hm, let's see. I have a black belt in Tae Kwon Do?" I say in a questioning tone, some people know but it seems to be a fact that fascinates new people I meet. She looks back at me.

"You do? Now that's badass." She smirks, mentioning my reasoning for liking Wanda.

"Yeah yeah, but I haven't trained since I was a kid. I chose to dance instead. Which you did as well right?" I tilt my head in question meeting her eyes.

"I did yeah, a long time ago. I did ballet." She explains. She shivers a little and I bite my lip.

"Come here," I lift my arm over her shoulders and she shuffles slightly closer, "Ballet wasn't my favorite, I like to tap." I continue our conversation like I'm not keeping Elizabeth Olsen warm on the fucking Brooklyn Bridge on a random day in May. What the heck is my life right now.

"Tap dance sounds fun. I've never tried. Have you gotten to dance recently?"

"No, but I'm doing a workshop with my students soon. It will be fun." I feel a vibration from a phone that I don't think is mine. Lizzie pulls her phone out and sighs slightly. I frown, she has to go.

"It's my agent, I have to go." I nod, for a minute I forgot she has a busy job.

"Let's get you to where you need to be" I stand and hold my hand out helping her up. I go to put my hand in my pocket, but when I try to let go her grip tightens. I smile to myself and just bring her hand into my pocket too. "Are you cold, angel?" I check-in.

"A tiny bit" she admits. I take our hands out of my pocket, grip hers a little tighter, lift my arm over her head and pull her closer. She looks up in surprise.

"How the hell did you just do that?" I smirk as I now have her under my arm while her hand is still holding mine, slung across her body.

I shrug, "I have my ways." I say cryptically. "Should we get you an Uber?" She nods and takes out her phone with her other hand. We get to the end of the bridge and cross into City Hall Park. She sets up her Uber and we wait. Her body slightly angles towards me, seeking more warmth. I didn't realize how late it was, it was already 8 pm. A nice black car pulls up and she perks up.

"That's me, do you need a ride anywhere?" I smile at her sweetness.

"I'll take the subway, don't worry about it," I reply.

"Are you sure?" She tilts her head in question. Ugh, what a puppy.

"I'm good, text me later, yeah?" I hope this isn't the last time I see her.

"Will do, text me when you get home safe. Thank you for lunch and the walk and everything. I had a great time." She begins to walk towards the car, but her genuine tone makes me smile.

"Of course Elizabeth, now go before this guy leaves you here." We giggle together, she pulls me into a quick hug then turns and gets into the car. I tap the side once I close her door and off she goes. I turn and head into the subway station, the realization of what happened today settling in. The entire ride home a smile is sat on my face. Holy shit I know Elizabeth Olsen.
A/N Kind of cute. Oh to have an instant connection with Elizabeth Olsen. Enjoy :)

(Edited 5/19)

Update: I'm noticing little things that I brought back without intending to and its really cool

A New York City Dream ~ Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now