Dinner Plans & Moodiness

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Scarlett and I continue to chat and I'm getting anxious to see Lizzie.

"Hand me your phone," Scarlett demands. I take it out of my pocket and hand it over without question. "Awwww Lizzie is in here as Angel?" I blush.

"Yeah, we created nicknames for each other when we met. She calls me princess since I may have been named after one, so I call her Angel since she was a complete angel for checking on a complete stranger." I explain.

"That's adorable. I put my number in, try not to sell it." She teases.

"I would never!" I exclaim, scared she wouldn't believe me.

"I know, I'm just teasing." She sets her hand on my upper arm trying to calm me down from the slight panic. Lizzie comes in from the stage and struts over to me giving me a huge hug.

"Hi," I whisper, returning the hug.

"Hi." She smiles as she pulls away. "Was that okay?" She asks, her eyes slightly worried.

"Of course, it was great. You looked gorgeous." I compliment.

"She's right, you did awesome," Scarlett adds. "We should get dinner sometime, I want to get to know your girl a little better Liz," Scarlett states, her ever-present smirk on her face.

"We should! We can plan something since I'm staying in New York for the summer." Lizzie agrees. My heart warms, knowing I'll have a few months with her at least. Lizzie snakes a hand under my jacket to rest her hand at the small of my back and it makes me smile. Jimmy comes backstage after finishing his last segment and comes right over to us.

"Lizzie! That was awesome, thank you." He leans forward to kiss her cheek. "And this must be the mysterious Y/N" He shakes my hand and I smile.

"I don't know if mysterious is the word I'd use, but nice to meet you," I answer.

"Oh, to Lizzie's fans you are certainly mysterious, but I'm looking forward to where this goes." I realize he knows there's a bit more than a friendship going on, but feel like he can keep a secret. "Maybe the next time I see you, you'll join us on the couch?" he asks.

"Oh gosh, I don't know. We will have to see." I answer looking to Lizzie for help.

She smirks, "I'll get her on the couch eventually" she replies, teasing me. Scarlett laughs at my discomfort.

"That's what I want to hear! It was so nice meeting you and can't wait to see you two again!" He directs to the two women by my side. How did I end up between Elizabeth Olsen and Scarlett Johansson? Am I in some elaborate dream?

We chat a little bit more with Scarlett, loosely planning a dinner for next week. I remember my birthday is coming up, not next Friday but the next one after that, and wonder about how I'm going to break the news to my mom. Oh god, I haven't even told her anything. She might figure it out on her own. So now, we have to go clubbing this Friday, dinner the next and the Friday after that is my birthday. This month is going to be wild. Plus, school will be ending at the end of June too.

"Alright you two, I have to head out, but see you next week!" Scarlett gives us both a hug and goes to leave after exchanging goodbyes. We follow for a little bit but stop, watching as she leaves and the flashes outside the door make me kind of nervous.

"Hey, it will be fine. Find that sexy, confident thing you had going on earlier and you'll be fine." Lizzie assures me, noticing my slight discomfort.

I smirk, "Sexy?" I question.

"Shut up, let's go, the car is ready for us." She picks up her clutch as I slip my sunglasses back on and follow her to the door. Security opens up the door and guards the car door as well. I again ignore anything shouted our way and settle my hands in my pockets so I don't reach out to touch Lizzie. She slips in ahead of me, then I slip in allowing the security to close the door. I release the breath I was holding.

"That was not too bad," I state. Going over the night in my head.

"You did really well. Especially with what they were screaming at us." Lizzie states.

"I wasn't even listening, what were they saying?" I ask.

"Y/N! Are you using Lizzie for her fame? Y/N, is Lizzie a good kisser, blah blah blah. Some of the things they come up with are crazy."

"What would I even be using you for? I don't really have social media, I'm not looking to become a singer or musician. How on earth would I be using you?" I ask, confused.

"Exactly, baby. That's why we ignore that shit." She assures me, grabbing a hold of my hand.

"I don't want people thinking that." I frown.

"Hey, as I said, ignore it." She kisses my cheek. I shake out any negative thoughts and smile at her soft lips on my cheek. She rubs at my cheek a little, getting the lipstick off. For the rest of the ride, we sit in silence listening to the radio. Lizzie checks her phone, responding to people on her team. She finds an article with pictures of us going in and out of the studio and shows me. "Look at that, they got your confident little strut. You look badass." She comments. I smile, it's a good picture. I kiss her cheek and we go back to listening to the radio. We get back to my apartment and head inside. Lizzie lets us into the building and my apartment.

"I feel like you need your own set of keys." I tease her.

"Are you asking me to move in?" She asks. I cough, choking on my spit.

"Uh no. First of all, I'd have to put it on my lease, and second of all, I've known you for like a week and a half kind of." I explain.

She laughs, "I was kidding, princess." She heads into the bathroom to wash her face and get into comfy clothes. I head to my desk and make sure I'm ready for work tomorrow before taking my turn in the bathroom. She plants a kiss on my lips as we pass each other and it makes me smile. I get ready for bed then join her, cuddling up to her side. She starts reading out loud, and it lulls me to sleep before I can even say goodnight.

I wake up to the alarm buzzing on my wrist and shut it off. I stretch and realize I'm alone in bed. I sit up straight and look around for Lizzie. Just as I'm about to get up to search for her, my apartment door opens and Lizzie comes in with a coffee and bag in her hand.

"Morning! I got you a bagel." She states. I pout at her. "What?" She asks as she plants a kiss on my forehead.

"You left me alone," I whine, feeling grumpy for no reason.

"I'm sorry baby, I'm an early riser and wanted to get you some breakfast." She explains.

"I like when you wake me up," I complain. I get up and shuffle over to the bathroom feeling cranky. I get ready and come back out finding Lizzie observing me.

"Is someone a little grumpy this morning?" She questions softly.

"No," I state. She gets up and comes over to me, hugging me from behind. I soften a little but my foul mood stays. Sometimes this happens, but I get over it eventually.

"It's okay if you are, we all have those days." She comments.

"I hate when I'm grumpy. It annoys me and just makes me more grumpy." I pout, putting on a shirt for work.

"Well, I understand. Can I have a kiss?" She requests. I give her a couple of pecks and turn to get everything set up for work. "Would you like some hot chocolate?" She asks.

I perk up, "I would love some, I love hot chocolate."

"Okay, I'll make some for you." She gets to work on it and I start teaching. She sneakily sets it down on my desk, then settles on the couch to get some work of her own done. We continue like this all day, my moodiness slowly fading, probably due to the kisses I get between teaching class. Feeling bad about my mood, I decide I'm going to cook dinner tonight. Hopefully, it turns out edible.
A/N Little filler chapter. Hope you enjoy :)

Edited 5/6

A New York City Dream ~ Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now