Confidence & The Interview

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Waking up to kisses all over my face is becoming one of my favorite things ever. I pull myself out of bed with Lizzie's encouragement so I can get ready for work. Lizzie plants herself on the couch, opening up her computer to get some work done as well. The day goes by slowly, the anticipation for tonight making me antsy. Lizzie's makeup artist comes during my last period to get started with Lizzie and brought our clothes with her. By the time I'm done teaching, it's my turn to get all dolled up. My hair dried nicely so I'll be able to just wear it down, but I have to suffer from some light makeup. I haven't seen Lizzie's finished look yet since she was in the bathroom once it was my turn. The pro makeup artist keeps having to tilt my head back to her, my instinct to turn away with things close to my eyes causing her issues. But, she's gentle and patient and chats about random things with me. She calls me sweetie and she's nice.

"All done! Now, go take a look then get dressed." I hop up and grab the garment bag with my suit. I knock on the door since Lizzie is getting her dress on. She opens it up and I swear I stop breathing. Holy shit.

"" I breathe out. She smiles shyly at my reaction and I stand there frozen, my eyes sweeping up and down her body and around her face. She looks stunning.

"Get dressed, ya goof." She breaks me out of my trance.

"Right, okay yeah, I'll do that," I reply. I move into the bathroom, hang up the bag and unzip it. I run my fingers over the material, jeez this must have cost a fortune. I take out the shirt and button it up to the top button, slip the pants on, which fit perfectly somehow and tuck in the shirt. I take out the jacket and slip it on and take a look in the mirror. The makeup is subtle which I appreciate. I don't look too different than normal and the suit is a perfect fit. I walk out as Lizzie is putting her heels on. I clear my throat awkwardly shifting between my feet.

She stands up, "Wow, you look great." She states walking up to me, the heels giving her the height to almost look me in the eye. "I'm glad I got the sizing right." She states, running her hands along with the jacket and tugging at the waistline. Her hands move to the buttons of the maroon shirt and she unbuttons a couple to show a little bit of my chest. "There, perfect. More of a musician look with a couple of buttons loose." She explains.

"I guess that's okay since I am technically a musician." I agree. My eyes rake over her face again and she smiles. I return the smile and I go to kiss her, but she stops me with a hand to my chest.

"Lipstick." She explains. I nod in understanding. She pulls away, smoothing out my jacket and buttoning the top button, then runs her hands along her dress making sure everything looks in place.

"You're stunning, Elizabeth Chase Olsen." I let her know in a whisper.

"Thank you, you little charmer you." she teases with a blush. "You look hot. I know that's not the nicest compliment but damn." She quirks an eyebrow as her eyes run up and down my body again.

"Alright, enough of that, when do we leave?" I ask, noticing her make-up artist smirking to herself as she cleans up shop.

"In like, 10 minutes. Here are some sunglasses and make sure you have your phone." I nod and head to grab my phone, slipping it into my jacket pocket. I slip the new sunglasses onto my shirt, letting them hang there until we head outside. "Baby, come here." She calls me over and I smile at the new pet name. She pulls me into the bathroom. "I want to get a picture, we look amazing." She explains. She pulls me slightly behind her to take a mirror picture so we both fit. I get slightly distracted though, moving her hair from her neck, revealing her soft skin. I softly kiss the base of her neck and hear the sound of the picture being taken. I look up and smile at her through the mirror and she smiles wider taking another one.

A New York City Dream ~ Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now