Dreams & Reality

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A/N You've made it to the last chapter of A New York City Dream. Enjoy!


"Babe you gotta let go." She whispers.

"No. Don't want to." I grumble back keeping her with me for as long as I can.

"Baby I have to go to the airport." She continues to try and negotiate.

"How about no?" I spit back, really not ready for this.

"I love how affectionate you are babe, but I really have to go." She sighs sadly, but I can hear her stress too.

"Can I come?" I try, not wanting to say goodbye yet.

"Sure, Princess. Get your shoes on." She commands lightly, her foot tapping as she looks at the time. I quickly get my shoes on and follow her downstairs to her car, carrying her suitcase for her. I kiss her hands almost the entire way and she lets me, her concerned eyes on me. "Babe, you're scaring me." She comments.

"I'm going to be fine. I just really don't want to let go of you." I sigh and sniff, already getting emotional.

"We've talked about this. You know our schedule, you know you're going to see me in a couple months and we agreed on a FaceTime before bed every night. We got this babe." She says confidently and I nod agreeing.

'I know, I still want as much affection as I can get before you have to get on that stupid plane." I explain and she softens, knowing how much touch means to me. She pulls me closer and I snuggle my face into her neck, inhaling her scent deeply. We pull up to the airport and I sigh feeling the tears already.

Fortunately, we got here a little earlier than expected so she doesn't have to go into security right away.

"You have everything you need?" I check.

"I do." She replies, her eyes running over my face.

"Your ticket is all set? Did you check in?" I nervously continue.

"Yes, baby everything is set." She nods and pulls me closer. I notice there's a few cameras pointed our way but chose to ignore it. She pulls my neck and connects our lips in a hungry kiss. I wrap my arms around her waist pulling her as close as possible and open my mouth once she licks across my bottom lip. I let her kiss me how she wants and god damn what a kiss. I can feel how much she loves me and I hope she can feel the same from me. I rub up and down her back and fight her for dominance, my tongue slipping into her mouth. I feel a low moan in the back of her throat and decide that's probably a sign we should stop. I pull back slowly and she snuggles her face into my chest.

"I love you so much Elizabeth Chase Olsen. You've completely changed my life. You found me when I was lonely, angry and scared for so many reasons. But, you brought sunshine into my life. With every minute I spend with you I fall more and more in love. It physically pains me how much love I hold for you sometimes. You're going to do amazing as you always do with each of your projects and I'll be here cheering you on throughout it all. I'll do my absolute best to not lose my shit, but I can't promise that I won't sometimes. I fucking love you so much my Angel. I'm so proud of you and I'm so lucky that I get to call such a beautiful, talented, kindhearted, and humble woman, mine." I ramble out and she gradually leans back to look into my eyes as silent tears slip out of them.

She wipes the tears from my cheeks, her own eyes becoming glassy. "I love you too, Princess. So much. You've changed me too and I thought I was done growing. But, everything we've been through has taught me even more about myself, the world, and love. You are so patient and loving. You treat everything you do as something important and thoughtful. You've only ever treated me with kindness, even when you are a moody little shit. Your heart is so big and beautiful and I can't wait to come home to you. Wherever I am, whatever I'm doing, my heart will beat for you. I love you, Y/N, with everything I have and I plan on loving you for the rest of my life." She concludes, her eyes searching mine the entire time. Her eyebrows are furrowed adorably and I reach up to push my thumb between them. Her face relaxes and she smiles. I smile back despite where we are.

A New York City Dream ~ Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now