세. With a girl?

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Sunoo immediately got off the guy, huffing before dusting dirt off his uniform.

"Y-you study here?!"

"Oh no, I'm here to fix the lightbulb, YES I STUDY HERE! HOW ELSE AM I WEARING A UNIFORM THEN?" Sunoo scoffed from the guy's words, looking at him up and down.

He was surprisingly...tall...

The guy glanced at Sunoo's right wrist, shaking his head after a few seconds.

"Stay here if you want I don't care, I'm going to class." The guy walked away, making sure to bump Sunoo's shoulder on his way.

Sunoo scoffed again, taking his things from the floor. 

"Hag, not even apologizing, tch." Sunoo rolled his eyes from annoyance, furiously walking to his classroom the was located on the other side.

Sliding the door open, the teacher sighed, seeing a late student, as usual.

"Late again? Guess you haven't changed your tardy habits, Mr. Nishimura." 

The truth was, he didn't want to be late, it's just that he bumped into a new student, but guess he was getting scolded on the first day. He'll make sure the one he bumped into pays for it.

"Sorry." He bowed, making the teacher surprised from his manners. 

He sat down beside his friend, Jungwon, seeing him all happy.

"How was your vacation to Okayama?" Jungwon asked Niki, but the younger ignored his question.

"Why are you all happy?" Niki asked his friend, facing the board.

"Niki, you've heard about Sunoo right?"

"Yeah, you guys talk about him a lot. Why?"

"He's back! And he studies here too!"

"Wait, where was he gone to again?"

"Okayama, your hometown in Japan."


"Mr Nishimura and Mr Yang. If you're gonna continue talking, you might as well leave my class. It won't be nice to receive detention on your first day of school, won't it?"

"S-sorry!" Jungwon immediately bowed. Jungwon never liked being scolded by someone who had more authority than him. He couldn't say the same for his friend, Niki though.

With class continuing, Niki felt excited to meet this Sunoo guy. But he still couldn't forget the guy he bumped earlier.

He wanted to fall for a girl, the guy said, making Niki smirk. The butt guy studies here now, it will be interesting to tease him, Niki thought.


"And an extra scoop for you, such a handsome and growing young man!"
The cafeteria lady smiled at Sunoo, as Sunoo giggled from how kind she was.

"Thank you so much!" Sunoo thanked the lady and bowed before walking to the center of the cafeteria.

Sunoo looked around to see if there was any table he could sit at, but there wasn't.

That was until someone shouted his name.

"Kim Sunoo!"

Sunoo turned his head, hearing his Jake hyungs voice. He saw his hand waving, coming towards the table.

There, he saw a familiar figure playing with his phone.

It was the airplane guy.

"EH?!" Sunoo shouted, making the 6 boys turn their heads to him including Niki.

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