십팔. As our hearts race.

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Sunoo's orbs longley stared at Niki's eyes, shaking his head at the sudden sunlight hitting his face.

Sunoo cleared his throat and stood up, but Niki unfortunately held his wrist.

"Where are you going?" Niki asked as Sunoo's cheeks heated up.

Really Sunoo?! Blushing?! You can't do that! He's a boy!

"H-home. D-don't follow me!" Sunoo shook his wrist off Niki's grip, jogging away as the younger grabbed his bag and catched up on him.


Sunoo grabbed a book from the shelf, swiping the pages to look for a particular paragraph.

Runa peeked through the ends of the shelf, slightly whistling before taking a huge step and grabbing a book beside Sunoo.

Sunoo lifted his head up, his breath hitching from shock and smiling.


Runa waved at him, sighing as they both walk to different aisles in the library.

"Are you..doing anything later?" Runa asked, her hands swaying from behind her.

"Hm, no not really. Why?" Sunoo replied whilst his fingers brushed through the books.

"Nothing, just asking cause I thought you were gonna hang out with Niki or something.."

"Niki? Why?" Sunoo chuckled.

"You guys seem close so I assume you uh, hang out a lot.." Runa smiled but with pain in her tone that only she can recognize.

"Niki and I aren't that close though. But why do you ask? Do you..like Niki?" Sunoo asked out of the blue. He kind of liked Runa. But somehow asking that didn't hurt as much surprisingly.

"H-huh?" Runa lifted her head up, making Sunoo tilt his head at her.

"A-ah...I-I think it's lunch time, let's go!" Runa ignored Sunoo's question as she dragged him to the cafeteria, leaving the male confused.


Sunoo had chemistry next, and to his luck but frustrated from it, Niki had the same class as him.

Niki entered the science lab and saw Sunoo in his usual oversized lab coat.

Cute, Niki mumbled under his breath.

Niki sat on his chair on time as the professor started discussing their activity for today.

Good thing Jake and Sunghoon were their group mates, unless it would be very awkward.

"Okay, Jake will do the calculations, I'll observe the changes, Niki you'll record our observations and calculations, and Sunoo you'll get and clean the materials."

"EH?! Why do I have such a lame job?!" Sunoo huffed and crossed his arms whilst his cheeks puffed, making Niki grin. How cute, he thought.

"I figured you didn't want a hard job so I just assigned you an easy task. Unless you want to observe the changes and I'll get and clean the materials-"

"No! I-it's fine, I'm okay with my task." Sunoo pouted, making Jake clap to let everyone know they should start doing the assignment.

The 3 were busy doing their own tasks while Sunoo sighed. He had nothing to do yet.

Sunoo put his hand on his cheeks, resting his head on his hand.

Glancing at his group mates, his eyes averted to Niki, who was busy recording whatever Sunghoon told him to write.

Sunoo tilted his head and carefully identified Niki's details.

He doesn't look that bad...

Sunoo wanted to think and say that he found Niki handsome, but he was too shy to admit it.

"Here, you can wash this in the mean time. Be careful." Jake gave Sunoo a glass tube, making Sunoo snap out of his thoughts.

Sunoo grinned that he finally had something to do.

Niki watched Sunoo through the corner of his eyes, admiring his small smile.

Turning around, he was about to take a turn to the sink, when he didn't notice a wire on the floor.

"SUNOO!" Jake shouted, making Niki grab Sunoo by his waist without thinking, letting the glass fall on the floor and shatter to small pieces.

Sunoo felt Niki's hands around him, his back facing his chest. Both were blushing rapidly.

Sunoo turned his head to Niki, meeting eyes with the younger, glistening as if they forgot about the shattered glass.

"Kim Sunoo!"

Sunoo snapped out of his thoughts, unlocking Niki's arms that were once around his waist, bowing multiple times to the professor.

"I'm sorry, Miss Ahn! I am very very sorry!!" Sunoo squinted his eyes and kept bowing, making the teacher sigh.

"You should've been more careful. Thank god Niki grabbed you away. Are you hurt anywhere?"

"N-no ma'am."

"Good. I'll call the janitor to clean the shattered glass up. In the mean time, class dismissed. Make sure to clean the materials first before leaving!"

The class responded with a quick yes, making Sunoo sigh from relief.

"Sunoo-ah, be more careful!" Jake whined, grabbing Sunoo's two hands.

"S-sorry hyung!" Sunoo stuttered, making Sunghoon ruffle his hair.

"It's good that you're not hurt. Thank Niki for saving you." Sunghoon replied, before leaving the lab with Jake beside him.

Sunoo eyed Niki through the corner of his eyes, the scene replaying in his head.

Oh god, it's like in kdramas!

Niki grabbed his bag and pushed his chair, making Sunoo hesitate.


Niki turned around to see Sunoo biting his lip while looking away.

He was...blushing?

Niki's heart raced, was he blushing because of what happened earlier?

"Thanks for saving me back there.." Sunoo thanked, facing his head down. Niki chuckled and walked a step towards Sunoo, before ruffling his hair lightly.

"No problem, shorty. Just be careful next time."

Sunoo lifted his head up to see Niki's genuine smile, gesturing an adios sign before leaving the lab.

Sunoo's hand slowly went to his hair, specifically to the spot Niki touched.

"Why.." Sunoo mumbled, then jumping up and down while panting.

"Why why WHY MUST YOU DO THIS, NISHIMURA RIKI??!!" Sunoo stopped jumping and put his hand on his chest right where his heart was located as he observed its fast beating.


Sunoo thought that his heart was the only heart racing at the moment,

But at the same time, someone observing him from outside the classroom door's small window,

That particular person's heart raced too.

He wasn't too sure yet, but maybe, just a maybe,

Maybe he's really catching feelings for Kim Sunoo.


How else would his heart race?


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